

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes
Você viu 3, do total de 3 páginas

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1a Questão 
I wish she wouldn't make ___ stories like that. 
2a Questão 
The sun is so bright. Do you mind if I pull ___ the blinds. 
3a Questão 
Choose the alternative that IS NOT CORRECT in relation to 
colloquial language 
Colloquial language is considered informal, and for this reason it 
is not usually used during academic or professional writing or 
speaking. Even so, people may use colloquialisms when writing or 
speaking to their family members, friends, or neighbors. Usually, 
these people are familiar with the language and the meaning. 
Colloquialisms are usually accepted within certain kinds of 
creative writing, such as fiction novels and short stories, and 
other kinds of creative works. This is especially true if a story 
takes place in a geographical area well known for certain kinds of 
colloquial language. 
Colloquial language is considered informal, and for this reason it 
is not usually used during academic or professional writing or 
speaking. Even so, people may use colloquialisms when writing or 
speaking to their family members, friends, or neighbors. Usually, 
these people are familiar with the language and the meaning. 
Colloquialisms are usually accepted within certain kinds of 
creative writing, such as fiction novels and short stories, and 
other kinds of creative works. This is especially true if a story 
takes place in a academicl area well known for certain kinds of 
colloquial language. 
Colloquial language is considered informal, and for this reason it 
is not usually used during academic or professional writing or 
speaking. Even so, people may use colloquialisms when writing or 
speaking to their family members, friends, or neighbors. Usually, 
these people are familiar with the language and the meaning. 
Colloquialisms are usually accepted within certain kinds of formal 
writing, such as fiction novels and short stories, and other kinds 
of creative works. This is especially true if a story takes place in a 
geographical area well known for certain kinds of colloquial 
Colloquial language is considered informal, and for this reason it 
is usually used during academic or professional writing or 
speaking. Even so, people may use colloquialisms when writing or 
speaking to their family members, friends, or neighbors. Usually, 
these people are familiar with the language and the meaning. 
Colloquialisms are usually accepted within certain kinds of 
creative writing, such as fiction novels and short stories, and 
other kinds of creative works. This is especially true if a story 
takes place in a geographical area well known for certain kinds of 
colloquial language. 
Formal language is considered informal, and for this reason it is 
not usually used during academic or professional writing or 
speaking. Even so, people may use colloquialisms when writing or 
speaking to their family members, friends, or neighbors. Usually, 
these people are familiar with the language and the meaning. 
Colloquialisms are usually accepted within certain kinds of 
creative writing, such as fiction novels and short stories, and 
other kinds of creative works. This is especially true if a story 
takes place in a geographical area well known for certain kinds of 
colloquial language. 
4a Questão 
Read the text below: 
A proverb is a short sentence stating something commonly 
experienced or giving advice. Needless to say, it is intrinsic to 
society where it is manifested, reflecting cultural issues in its 
► Bearing the information above in mind, what is the 
meaning of the English proverb 'Better safe than sorry' in 
Brazilian Portuguese? 
Uma mão lava a outra 
Antes tarde do que nunca 
Mais vale um passarinho na mão do que dois voando 
Melhor prevenir do que remediar 
Seguro morreu de velho 
5a Questão 
Read the text below: 
By definition, a proverb is a short sentence usually known by many 
people, stating something commonly experienced or giving advice. 
Moreover, since it is intrinsic to society where it is manifested, it 
also reflects cultural issues in its essence. 
► Bearing the information above in mind, what is the 
meaning of the English proverb 'You scratch my back and I will 
scratch yours' in Brazilian Portuguese? 
Olho por olho, dente por dente 
Quem com ferro fere com ferro será ferido 
Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga 
Os últimos serão os primeiros 
Uma mão lava a outra 
6a Questão 
The doctors think she can't pull ___ another heart attack. 
7a Questão 
If there is an earthquake, you should make ___ the park. 
8a Questão 
Como tradutor, qual seria a versão do seguinte provérbio em 
língua inglesa para a língua portuguesa? ''Birds of the same 
feather, flock together". 
Quem guarda, tem. 
Mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois voando. 
Dize-me com que andas, que dir-te-ei quem és. 
Em terra de cegos, quem tem um olho é rei. 
Achado não é roubado.

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