
Literatura Norte-Americana - prova final

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	During the first times of the United States of America many conflicts and hate episodes took place. The Civil War was one of these conflicts. Nevertheless, conflicts use to produce good things. After Civil War, some conditions for life changed in the new formed country called The United States of America. Among the people to whom some rights and facilities were granted are slaves, who mainly consisted of African people brought over the land by the slavery ships. For the options below, mark T for true and F for false according to what really happened to slaves after the war:
(    ) Female slaves were granted the right to a piece of land to start new families.
(    ) Freedom was granted to previous slaves to go wherever they desired.
(    ) In some parts of the country, the liberty and freedom granted to slaves was restricted to men and not women.
(    ) Even if freedom was granted to them, most slaves remained working to the farms where they used to work before.
Check the CORRECT answer:
	T - T - F - F.
	T - F - F - T.
	F - T - F - T.
	F - F - T - T.
	One main author we have to consider when talking about American Literature is Margareth Fuller. Margareth Fuller was a journalist and also editor and had a proeminent place in society, as she could stand out through her work. One of her books is "Women in the Nineteenth Century". Analyze the following statements and check the relation there is between them:
I- The book "Women in the Nineteenth Century" treats the sad conditions of women in the country at the XIX century
II- Women had not many rights and sometimes even had to work hard and in bad conditions.
Check the CORRECT answer:
	I is true, but II is false.
	I is true and II is true, and II explains I.
	I is false and II is true.
	I is true and II is true, but there is no relation between them.
	During the nineteenth century, America got to know a boom in technology and essort. It also knew mass culture and modernity. Life became under the force of speed, machines, a world where no God exists. In literature, some poets became known for their experiments, such as Gertrud Stein, Robert Frost and Ezra Pound, among others. Read the two sentences below, relating to a real fact of the time, then, analyse the relation there is between them:
I- In 1945, a newspaper published the question: Should Ezra Pound be shot?
II- The author represented the Imaging and the Vorticism mouvements.
Check the CORRECT answer:
FONTE: FERRARI; PINHEIRO. 7 clássicos americanos. São Paulo: Duetto, 2010.
	I and II are true sentences, and II is an explanation for I.
	II is false and I is true.
	I is false and II is true.
	I and II are true sentences, but II is not an explanation for I.
	At the begining of the XXth century, America faced a great excitement and optimism vague. This lead to a few changes and creativity arrose. Among other arts, we can talk about the irruption of jazz in music and, in literature, new ways of expressing feelings, ideas, dreams. Read the following sentences and check T for true and F for false:
(    ) During American Modernism, the authors started talking about modern way of living in their works.
(    ) The Great Depression is at the source of the optimism put in the books of this period.
(    ) A certain confusion which was in the air appears in the books of this period.
(    ) Style of writings reflects the difficulties and doubts that society faced at the time.
Check the CORRECT sequence:
	T - F - T - T.
	F - F - T - T.
	T - T - F - F.
	F - T - F - F.
	Read the following excert of poema:
IN 1 May, when sea-winds pierced our solitudes,
I found the fresh Rhodora in the woods,
Spreading its leafless blooms in a damp nook,
To please the desert and the sluggish brook.
The purple petals, fallen in the pool,
Made the black water with their beauty gay.
What does it refer to, preciselly? Check the CORRECT answer:
FONTE: https://www.bartleby.com/370/15.html. Acesso em: 1º jul. 2019.
	It refers to a flower, but also to discuss the beauty of nature
	It refers to the north-american poets.
	It refers to one of the characteristics of romanticism, which is the moon.
	It refers to a flower in the woods.
	The majority of Pillgrims that arrived on the American coast in the XVIth century were puritans. During the first years and even centuries after the Pillgrims arrived a feeling of identity started to raise among the people established there. This feeling culminated with the First Continental Congress, in 1774. After this congress, a very important period of the American culture happened. Read the options below and mark T for true and F for false:
(    ) One of the later on following consequences of the congress was the Independence of the USA.
(    ) The Independence of the USA was the consequence of the King´s positive reaction to the congress.
(    ) The congress resulted in the immediate forming of the American Congress.
(    ) A second congress took place before the signing of the Independence of the USA.
Check the CORRECT sequence:
	F - F - T - T.
	T - F - F - T.
	F - T - T - F.
	T - T - F - F.
	Read the following excert:
Pity the nation whose people are sheep
And whose shepherds mislead them
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars
Whose sages are silenced
And whose bigots haunt the airwaves
Pity the nation that raises not its voice
Except to praise conquerers
And acclaim the bully as hero
And aims to rule the world
By force and by torture.
Check the CORRECT answer:
FONTE: http://beespace.net/pity-the-nation/. Acesso em: 21 jul. 2019.
	It dresses a critic to the way people torture themselves.
	It is a compliment to the way people live.
	Henningway, the author, relates people to animals for their behavior.
	It compares people and animals in a critical way.
	Civil War was a huge bloody wound on the American land. It divided people by the place they lived, their Collor, their way of producing goods. After Civil War a few measures were taken in order to benefit a certain number of people. About the measure taken after the end of this war, check the INCORRECT answer:
	The 14th constitutional amendment granted American civil rights to equal all citizens.
	The 15th constitutional amendment granted the right to vote for all men older than 20.
	A 13th constitutional amendment put an end to slavery in the USA.
	A changing in the Independence Act transformed life for black people.
	We all know how to tell a story, as narrative is one of the faculties we seem to be born with. Since childhood, the first thing toddlers know to do all the time is telling parents what they have or what they have not been through all day long. When it comes to the literary gender, the novel, we are also faced to stories and telling, but some proceedings are to be applied. Order the steps of a novel and narrative bellow, in an order that corresponds to the perfect plot:
I- The conflict/edge.
II- The solution(s).
III- Tension and conflict growing.
IV- Situation.
Check the CORRECT sequence:
	II - IV - III - I.
	IV - III - I - II.
	I - III - IV - II.
	IV - II - I - III.

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