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		Saxon Kings helped the Church to grow, but the Church increased the power of kings as well. How did it happen?
	Bishops supported their  kings, which made it harder for royal power to be questioned. Kings´ authority was guaranteed by ´God´s approval´.
	The Saxon Kings were very literarte and pious men  and understood the importance of establishing Christianity in their lands.
	The Kings were chosen by the Church, taking into account the Christian faith of the chosen ones.
	The Kings were finantially supported by the Church, since the Church was a very powerful entity at the time.
	Since the monks had great influence on ordinary people besides being a  very wealthy entity,  it was interesting for the Kings to accept the Christian faith and its influence.
"Saxon kings helped the Church to grow, but the Church also increased the power of kings. Bishops gave kings their support, which made it harder for royal power to be questioned. Kings had ¿God¿s approval¿. The value of Church approval was all the greater because of the uncertainty of the royal succession. An eldest son did not automatically become king, as kings were chosen from among the members of the royal family, and any member who had enough soldiers might try for the throne. In addition, at a time when one king might try to conquer a neighbouring kingdom, he would probably have a son to whom he would wish to pass this enlarged kingdom when he died." (webclass)
		In the story of Beowulf, there is a noticeable struggle between Christianity and Paganism, and the characters personal battle between the two. Mark the option which expresses what Beowulf means to the people:
	the epitome of good and beneficent
	the pagan leader for all mankind.
	the owner of vast lands
	the responsible for horrific events
	the promoter of wars
Beowulf exemplifies the traits of the perfect hero. The poem explores his heroism in two separate phases´youth and age´and through three separate and increasingly difficult conflicts with Grendel, Grendel´s mother, and the dragon. In all these moments the reader can feel that Beowulf is concerned with the ideals of personal conduct by defending the ones in need.
		When did Christianity become firmly established across Britain?
	In 1200 AD, when the Middle Ages were over.
	When the Greeks were ruling the country.
	About a century ago.
	When Jesus Christ was born.
	In the last hundred years of Roman government.
This is a very simple question and so is its answer.
All you need to know is the date when Christianity became firmly established in Britain and the appropriate answer is "In the last hundred years of Roman government."
		Choose the option which best completes the following sentence.
Christianity, a small Jewish movement, would spread and dominate Europe by the -----------------
	8th century AD
	3rd century AD
	12th century AD
	5th century AD
	1st century AD
Christianity began as a small religious movement which had its start in Judea. Only after the 5th century it spread through Europe.
		Think about the material you have studied and choose the alternative that cannot answer the following question: Why was it so important to be educated?
	When the eleventh century comes, royal authority was wider and deeper in England than in any other European country.
	The power of landlords, whose lands were given by the king, was increased because their names were officially registered.
	Peasants, who could not read or write, could lose their traditional rights over their land, because their rights were not accepted.
	Education is actually na obstacle to progress.
	Laws were made on a large number of subjects during the following hundred years.
It is a well known fact that Education is vital to the development of any country.
		Sobre os druidas e seu papel na criação de lendas, podemos afirmar que:
	Os druidas foram considerados magos e por isso se atribui a eles a criação dos mitos e lendas celtas.
	Os druidas foram sacerdotes considerados autores das lendas e contos do seu povo, por dominarem a escrita celta. 
	Os druidas eram sacerdotes que apenas seguiam as lendas para manter a tradição celta viva.
	Como os druidas detinham todo o poder, eles criavam leis e histórias, com vista a controlar e normatizar os celtas.
	Os druidas estavam no topo da pirâmide do poder. Eles eram os criadores de todos os fundamentos das suas tribus.
Embora as lendas fossem transmitidas pela literatura oral, os druidas dominavam a escrita e isso lhes permitiu registrar as histórias para as gerações seguintes.
		Já ouvimos falar de Doggerland e de sua extensão territorial. Podemos afirmar que se trata de:
	Terra ocupada pelos irlandeses na Grã-Bretanha.
	Hoje a Escandinávia.
Território existente até o fim da Era Glacial. Ele separava a Grã-Bretanha da Europa.
	Território celta atualmente a Escócia.
	Terra ocupada pelos romanos na Grã-Bretanha.
Hoje é mar, e a Grã Bretanha tornou-se uma ilha, mas na era glacial uma capa de gelo conectava todo o continente. Ela chamava-se Doggerland e unia o que hoje é ilha ao que hoje é continente.
		Choose the option which best completes the following statement: Augustine was sent to Canterbury in 597 to
	meet the king´s wife
	re-establish Christianity
	build a church
	visit monasteries
	become a monk
There aren't many people who've had such an impact on history as St Augustine of Canterbury.
Augustine of Canterbury was the man chosen by the Pope to convert the Britons to Christianity.
The Christian faith had already been introduced in the 3rd or 4th century, but the gradual collapse of Roman rule and the invasion of the Saxons and other Germanic tribes meant it fell into abeyance in parts of the country, while others became associated with Celtic Christianity.
Augustine was commissioned in AD 595. After a couple of false starts, he arrived in Kent in AD 597 and found a base at Canterbury. From here he undertook the evangelisation of England.
The King of Kent was converted along with many of his subjects. Although Augustine then died a few years later, in 604, the foundation he had built became the basis for the next 1,500 year of Christianity in the UK.
		What was ´homage´ during Feudalism?
	The division of a feudal society followed a pyramidal pattern, which was called ´homage´.
	It was some kind of  promise which was generally made with the lord sitting on his chair and his vassal kneeling before him, his hands placed between those of his lord. It has remained part of the coronation ceremony of British kings and queens until then.
	A significant mark of feudalism was the Manor. The land associated with the castle was known as Manor or homage. This was like a small estate.
	It was some sort of tradition typical of the time in which Feudalism was being held and it was associated with the feeling of being home. Men and women felt that there was no place like home.
	A characteristic of the feudal society was ´Knighthood´. A Knight took oath to fight with enemy and to protect the weak. This would happen in a ceremony called ´homage´.
" Homage, in European society, solemn acts of ritual by which a person became a vassal of a lord in feudal society. Homage was essentially theacknowledgment of the bond of tenure that existed between the two. It consisted of the vassal surrendering himself to the lord, symbolized by his kneeling and giving his joined hands to the lord, who clasped them in his own, thus accepting the surrender. "
(https://www.britannica.com/topic/homage )
		Among the statements below, which is not related to the Magna Carta?
	The king still had authority on the feud lords, once they were his vassals, but the Carta limited that authority.
	King John became known as John Lackland in reference to the fact that he ¿lost¿ his land to the feud lords due to the concessions conceded by the Carta.
	The Magna Carta was signed, on July 15, 1215, by King John and a several other noblemen, clergymen, barons and royal employees.
	iThe Magna Carta stated that the king was not above the law anymore, which meant that he could be submitted to the law like anybody else.
	Originally written in Celtic language, the Magna Carta altered the relationship of the Church with the State and conceded social, political, administrative and commercial rights.
Originally written in Latin, the Magna Carta altered the relationship of the Church with the State and conceded social, political, administrative and commercial rights.
		Feudalism, the use of the land in return for service, began to weaken
	very quickly
	in a month
	all of a sudden
Little by little, Feudalism started to weaken.
		Who was William the Conqueror?
	William was the King of both England and Normandy (France). He controlled two large areas: Normandy, which was given to him by his father, and England, which was won in war.
	As the name already points out, William was a conqueror who was so called because he was able to conquer both Normandy and Spain during Medieval Ages.
	William, the Conqueror was an Anglo-Saxon leader who became famous for his capacity of dealing with difficult situations at war.
	William was a brave knight who enjoyed conquering foreign land for his country. He conquered areas such as Normandy and Callais.
	William was a great warrior who was portrayed by Shakespeare in one of his plays.
This is a straight forward question and answer. William was the King of both England and Normandy (France). He controlled two large areas: Normandy, which was given to him by his father, and England, which was won in war.
		When the king went to war, the nobles refused to fight more than forty days. The king had to pay soldiers to fight for him. At the same time, lords preferred their vassals to pay them in money rather in services. Vassals were gradually beginning to change into tenants. Feudalism, the use of the land in return for service, was beginning to weaken.
How long did it take Feudalism to disappear completely ?
	Three years.
	Three hundred years.
	About ten years.
	Half a century.
	Thirty years.
This is a straight forward type of question and answer. It took Feudalism three hundred years to disappear completely.
		According to the "Organization of the Feudal System", check below the option that does not relate to this organization.
	A nobleman who had a lot of land could concede part of it to another nobleman. In the process, the landlord concedes some of his land or any other type of economic privilege to another nobleman.
	The clergy was of great importance inside the feuds at that time. Once they were the only literate class of that historical period, the Church had a great influence on the customs and actions during the medieval times.
	The feudal lords created several new obligations with the purpose of keeping the peasants away from the land.
	Many of the nobility became knights, determined to guarantee the protection of the feud. In other cases, a nobleman could administer the land of a feud or turn to a religious life, occupying some clerical position.
	The nobility were represented by the feudal lord. Owner of the land, the feudal lord had authority within his properties.
The lack of available labor reinforced the rigidity observed in the relationship between lords and servants. Fearing that they could lose their servants, the feudal lords created several new obligations with the purpose of maintaining the link between peasants and land.
		In 1066, the Anglo-Saxon history of England came to an end. In that year, William the Conqueror and his Norman warriors invaded England and overcame the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings. As a result of this fact...(Choose the alternative that expresses this result.)
	The Norman army, as it was a very big one, was able to conquer other European countries.
	The Normans got along very well with the Anglo-Saxons.
	The Norman religion was established in the country.
	The Norman conquest lasted for a whole century.
	The Normans destroyed all the houses between Durham and York.
The coming of the Normans to England as outside invaders brought destruction to the country because they destroyed all the houses between Durham and York.
		Choose the option which best suits the sentence below: Feudalism refers to
	land given only to the "serfs"
	land the king did not want anymore
	land held in return for duty or service to a lord
	land given to everyone freely
	land nobody wanted
Feudalism was the medieval model of government predating the birth of the modern nation-state.
Feudalism discouraged trade and economic growth. The land was worked by peasant farmers called serfs, who were tied to individual plots of land and forbidden to move or change occupations without the permission of their lord. The feudal lord might claim one-third to one-half of their produce in taxes and fees, and the serfs owed him a number of days each year in which they would work the lord's fields in exchange for the right to work their own lands.
		According to the Knightly Code, the perfect knight should:
	Defend the pagan beliefs, know how to use the sword fairly well, get money from the rich.
	Give a good impression on women, offer his help to the ones in need, fight for his own interests.
	Spread the pagan beliefs, protect the lords and their families, love his mistress.
	Kill the enemies in case it proved necessary, win duels, save the wealthy people who might be in danger.
	Defend anyone in need, serve God and the King and fight for his good name if insulted.
A knight was expected to have not only the strength and skills to face combat in the violent Middle Ages but was also expected to temper this aggressive side of a knight with a chivalrous side to his nature, by defending anyone in need, serving God and defend his family name in case he was insulted.
There was not an authentic Knights Code of Chivalry as such - it was a moral system which went beyond rules of combat and introduced the concept of Chivalrous conduct - qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.
		What was the CODE OF CHIVALRY associated with?
	The Victorian Age.
	The idea of respect for foreign lords and ladies.
	The way a perfect knight should behave.
	Being good at horse riding.
	Courtly manners and looking like a lord.
The code of Chivalry is associated the institution of knighthood prevalent in the Middle Ages, that is to say with the way a perfect knight should behave. The Knightsof Medieval Europe were governed by an ethical code having primary virtues such as honor, humility, sacrifice, courage, faithfulness, God-fearing, showing mercy towards the poor and weak, and being gracious and courteous .
		Choose the option which best completes the following sentence.
Some researchers believe that Arthur was the leader of -----------against the Saxon invaders.
	Christian celts
	the Druids
	the Clergy
	English knights
Arthur was a legendary king from ancient England. The legend of King Arthur is presente in Celtic and Christian cultures in a series of fantastic situations.
		What was one of the consequences of the advent of the printing press in England in 1476?
	William Caxton was turned into a Lord because of his great sucess.
	As Gutenberg¿s invention of printing from movable type was already fifty years old at the time it got to England and had already spread to nearly every country in Europe, it was very hard for William Caxton to keep up with his business.
	Since many different titles were printed, for the first time they became less expensive and it became worth while for the average man to learn to read. Thus to a great extent the invention of printing brought England to the close of the Middle Ages and ushered in the Renaissance.
	Since one third of the books William issued were his own translations, it was hard to sell them.
	William Caxton (1422? - 1491?) went bankrupt and was forced to sell his printing press to foreigners.
Since books became both less cumbersome and less expensive, and since many different titles were printed, for the first time it became worth while for the average man to learn to read. Thus to a great extent the invention of printing brought England to the close of the Middle Ages and ushered in the Renaissance.
		What is the world like in romances of chivalry?
	The world depicted in these romances is unreal, a world in which daily life is irrelevant, where action dominates reflection and exaggeration rules.
	Since the main character in a chivaric romance is the King of a certain country, romances of chivalry present life as it was in the courts of Medieval England. They valued faith to the ruler of a country, a mystical style of life, and much value is given to past life.
	Even though works of medieval romance literature were not  widely popular in Medieval Ages, some authors tried to portray the daily routine which was typical of that time. So they valued the reality of life, the good and difficult moments people needed to go through in those centuries.
	It is a world in which romantic love prevails, in which men and women might  die for love. Beauty, peace, mystical study of the Bible, the importance of giving the children good education were important issues and were always portayed in romances of chivalry.
	Some of the earliest examples of romances of chivalry were poetic works closely resembling the epics of Ancient Greece and Rome in both form and content. However, as time went by, the world depicted in romances of chivalry was mainly concerned with showing the need of fighting for a better social status, so a man would choose to ´love´a woman hierarchically arranged in a social group higher than his.
The romances of love, chivalry, and adventure produced in 12th-century France have analogues elsewhere, notably in what are sometimes known as the Greek romances.
The world depicted in these romances is unreal, a world in which daily life is irrelevant, where action dominates reflection and exaggeration rules.
		The fact that the sword came from water and returned to it after Arthur´s death comes from a habit of the first Celtic communities. Which one are we talking about?
	The habit of sending the body of warriors back to the lake.  They believed they might wake up from death if their bodies were sent to the lake.
	The habit of praying to the Lady of the Lake whenever somebody died.
	The habit of associating water with the spirit of dead warriors.
	The habit of offering  the Lady of the Lake valuable jewels. This was done by throwing the objects into water when the warrior died.
	 The habit of throwing into water swords, shields and objects from the dead warriors.
 In the story of King Arthur, we can notice the importance which was given to certain traditions. One of them suggests that swords, shields and other objects which belonged to warriors were thrown into rivers, lakes or the ocean. In this case, Arthur´s sword was given to him  by the Lady of the Lake and that, when the old  king lay mortally wounded after his last battle, he ordered the faithful Sir Bedivere to go to the water and throw the sword into it. An arm rose to catch it, brandished the sword three times, and then disappeared.
		Which option completes the following sentence?
In ancient times, a woman was almost a divine and admired ------------------
	high-class member
This was due to her capacity of being able to generate life.
		What was William Caxton´s contribution mainly to English  literature? Why was it relevant?
	William Caxton was responsible for the invention of the QUILL PEN, which was the primary writing utensil in the Western World. It could be used in all sorts of parchment or vellum and it made writing easier.
	William Caxton was skilled in metalworking. For a short time, he was involved in producing special mirrors that were supposedly designed to capture ´holy light´ shining from religious relics. Later on , he was able to invent the electric lamps which were very helpful in allowing readers to study literary productions even at night.
	He translated Milton´s literary work into the English language. Because if it was not for his translation we would not have the chance of reading Milton´s famous poems.
	He spread the alphabet we still use nowadays to nearly every country in Europe. Because it was only after his attitude that English became an important language.
	He established the first English press at Westminster in 1476. Gutemberg´s printing press has been widely considered the most important invention of the modern era because it profoundly impacted the transmission of knowledge.
Caxton´s  role as the first English printer cannot be overlooked. He established the first English press at Westminster in 1476. Gutemberg´s printing press has been widely considered the most important invention of the modern era because it profoundly impacted the transmission of knowledge.
		Which option completes the following excerpt.
Considered the first religion founded during the Protestant Reformation, the _______________ was a religion created in the middle of social and political crises in the Sacred German Empire. Still stuck on feudal structures, the Empire had a group of principalities in which the Catholic Church dominated one-third of the land.
Considered the first religion founded during the Protestant Reformation, the Lutheranism was a religion created in the middle of social and political crises in the Sacred German Empire. Still stuck on feudal structures, the Empire had a group of principalities in which the Catholic Church dominated one-third of the land.
		Choose the alternative that correctly completes the following sentences: Henry´s break with (1)____ was purely political. He did not approve the new ideas of Protestant Reformationintroduced by Martin Luther in Germany and (2)_____ in Geneva. He still believed in the (3)_____ faith.
	(1)Rome, (2)John Calvin, (3)Catholic
	(1)London, (2)John Calvin, (3)Catholic
	(1)Rome, (2)Catholic, (3)John Calvin
	(1)Rome, (2)King Arthur, (3)Catholic
	(1)Rome, (2)John Calvin, (3)Muslim
This is the right answer because Henry´s break with Rome was indeed a political attitude. He was a Catholic and did not accept Luther´s or Calvin´s ideas on the Protestant Reformation.
		Which characteristic presented below cannot describe the Englishmen in the 16th century:
	did not respect authority
	conscious of the social status
	had the right to ascend in a social mobility scale
Men in the sixteenth century did obey rules, so they did respect authority.
		Why are Shakespeare´s history plays so interesting?
	Because being introduced to the reality of modern times by means of plays has always attracted the interest of  ordinary people. It was a chance they had of getting to know what was going on in other countries.
	Because it was not Shakespeare´s aim to create human characters led by warfare. His intention was to portray the reality of  seventeenth century England and to give the audience the opportunity of grasping the political and religious aspects which involved society at that time.
	Because as they tell the audience historical facts which might not necessarily be of somebody´s interest , but as they are being acted on a stage they grasp the audience´s attention. It is a fascinating way of learning the reality of facts which happened at that time.
	The history plays are enormously appealing. Not only do they give insight into the political processes of Medieval and Renaissance politics but they also offer a glimpse of life from the top to the very bottom of society ¿ the royal court, the nobility, tavern life, brothels, beggars, everything.
	Because when we have the opportunity of getting in touch with the religious approach, as it was Shakespeare´s intention, we , normally, become more interested in reading the Bible.
The ´history´ plays that we normally refer to cover English history from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries and each of them is named after and focuses on the reigning monarch of the period. They are: King John, Richard II, Henry IV parts I and II, Richard III among others.
The plays dramatise five generations of Medieval power struggles and this fact certainly attracts the audience and readers. For most part they depict the Hundred Years War with France, from Henry V to Joan of Arc and the War of the Roses. They also offer a glimpse of life from the top to the very bottom of society ¿ the royal court, the nobility, tavern life, brothels, beggars, everything.
		When Henry VIII turned England into a Protestant country, he used Parliament to make the rupture legal. Henry´s break with Rome was purely political. Thomas Cromwell became the king´s chief minister and within 3 years 560 monasteries and other religious houses were closed.
Why did the King do that?
	In order to please Cromwell whom he owed great favors.
	In order to please his future father-in-law who was also the ruler of a Protestant nation.
	In order to keep to the crown all the money and goods that had once belonged to the Church and to religious orders. He also wanted to be popular with the rising classes of landowners and merchants. He sold or gave much of the monasteries´ lands to them.
	In order to be able to divorce his wife Anne Boleyn  and marry his lover Catherine of Aragon.
	In order to become ruler of the Catholic Church as well.
In rapid succession from 1532, legislation was passed through Parliament curbing the influence of the papacy in England and appointing the King as Supreme Head of the Church. Once this and the divorce were achieved, the king moved to take control over much of the Church's property through the dissolution of the monasteries. In order to be popular with the rising classes of landowners and merchants, King Henry VIII sold or gave much of the monasteries´ lands to them.
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/tudors/english) (adapted)
		Choose the appropriate words to fill in the blanks:
The .......... of Elizabeth I is often thought of as a .......... . It was a time of extravagance and luxury in which a ..........  popular culture was expressed through writers such as .......... , and explorers like Drake and Raleigh sought to expand England's territory overseas. This sense of well-being was embodied by Queen Elizabeth who liked to wear ..........  costumes and jewellery, and be entertained in style at her court.
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/tudors/elizabeth )
	life - difficult one - famous - Chaucer - beautiful -
	aniversary celebration - majestic one - surprising - Jane Austen - simple
	century - prosperous one - poor - Thomas Malory - odd
	reign - Golden Age - flourishing - Shakespeare - sumptuous
	time - disgusting one - rich - Emily Brontë - fancy
This kind of 'fill in the blanks' type of question needs to create a coherent passage, so the choice of words one makes must be made to build it up.
		Taking into account the episode of the Puritan Revolution: Civil War, check the option that best completes the highlighted section.
________________ reorganized the parliament army, the roundheads, which was composed mainly of ___________, with the support of London bourgeoisie and aristocracy. In Cromwell¿s new organization, assuming a certain position in society is not a matter of birthright, but of merit. ____________ were stimulated to participate in committees that debated the problems. The roundheads were crucial in the final battle of Naseby, in 1645.
	Oliver Cromwell, soldiers, peasants
	Oliver Cromwell,  peasants, soldiers
	King Charles, peasants, soldiers
	King Charles, peasants, knights
	King Charles, soldiers, peasants
Oliver Cromwell, on the other hand, reorganized the parliament army, the roundheads, which was composed mainly of peasants, with the support of London bourgeoisie and aristocracy. In Cromwell¿s new organization, assuming a certain position in society is not a matter of birthright, but of merit. Soldiers were stimulated to participate in committees that debated the problems. The roundheads were crucial in the final battle of Naseby, in 1645.
		Choose the alternative that correctly completes the following sentences: Henry´s break with (1)____ was purely political. He did not approve the new ideas of Protestant Reformation introduced by Martin Luther in Germany and (2)_____ in Geneva. He still believed in the (3)_____ faith.
	(1)Rome, (2)Catholic, (3)John Calvin
	(1)London, (2)John Calvin, (3)Catholic
	(1)Rome, (2)King Arthur, (3)Catholic
	(1)Rome, (2)John Calvin, (3)Muslim
	(1)Rome, (2)John Calvin, (3)Catholic
Henry´s break with Rome was indeed a political attitude. He was a Catholic and did not accept Luther´s and Calvin´s ideas about the Protestant faith.
		Which of the following values WAS NOT guaranteed in the American Constitution?
	A dignified place in high society
	A militia instead of a standing army.
	Freedom of religion, speech and press.
	The right to trial by jury.
	Prohibition of general warrants.
A place in high society has nothing to do with the Constitution of any country.
		How did England lose control over the coloniesin America?
	Because the English Parliament was able to understand the concepts of freedom and search for liberty during the Revolutionary period in the United States.
	England thought it was more relevant to devote its attention to the war which was going on against Italy so as not to lose control of the sea. As a result of that, they gave more freedom to the American people .
	The English Parliament nominated William Carster their representative in America and he was incompetent to deal with the reality of American life.
	The English King preferred to invest his efforts in the development of arts and culture in his own country.
	As the kings of England were too worried with great struggles occurring in England itself, they paid almost no attention to what was going on in the colonies in America. As a result of that, before the Parliament could bring its attention to the task of molding the American colonies to an imperial policy, they had grown strong and prosperous in their own right.
In the early days, the colonies were able to hold fast to their heritage of rights because of the king¿s arbitrary assumption that they were not subject to parliamentary control. In addition, for years afterwards, the kings of England were too worried with great struggles occurring in England itself - a struggle which culminated in the Puritan Revolution. 
		When did the USA become a free country?
	On Sept 7, 1812.
	On Dec 25, 1500.
	On July 7, 1976.
	On April 1, 1215.
	On July 4, 1776.
This is a very straight forward type of question and answer. All the students needs to know is to recognise a certain date.
		American Revolution had profound impact on the United States life. Choose the alternative that reveals a devastating effect of it:
	Civil War
	A feeling of faith in communism.
	It gave a whole new dimension to ideas of liberty and equality.
	A collapse in the economy.
	Most Americans felt great disappointment against the ones who were ruling the country.
Liberty and equality are positive aspects which ought to be taken into account in any society. Living a life without them must be a very hard task.
		What did the American and the French Revolution have in common?
	The ones involved in the revolutions spoke the same language.
	Both revolutions took place in America.
	Both of them were led by people who were fascinated by Hitler's ideals.
	Both  fought against tyrannical oppresion.                                                                                                                                                     
	Both revolutions were based on religious reasons.
The American and the French revolutions were fought several years and an ocean apart. However, they bear enough similarities, for instance: both revolutions occurred in the late eighteeenth  century, both subverted an existing monarchical government, both  fought against tyrannical oppresion.  Both created good conditions for constitutionalism and deep patriotism.                                                                                                                                                            
		During the American Revolution, liberty, equality, private property and representative government began to make sense to European observers. These ideas were based on men using
Liberty, equality, private property and representative government are important to Capitalism and they all come as a result of reasonable attitudes taken by the rulers of a country.
		Which was the most important concept the English colonists incorporate into Virginia's first charter?
	The concept of political fight.
	The concept of freedom.
	The concept of communism.
	The concept of Catholicism.
	The concept of happiness.
American people have always given much value to freedom. The colonists - inheritors of the long English tradition of the struggle for political liberty - incorporated concepts of freedom into Virginia's first charter. It provided that English colonists were to exercise all liberties, franchises, and immunities.
		The French Revolution influenced and inspired the Independence of some countries in ---------------
	South Africa.
	the Asian islands.
	The Americas.
The French Revolution inspired the Independence of some countries in the Americas.
		Choose the option that best completes the excerpt below.
The _____________ has its roots in the Romanticism, which came from ____________ and quickly spread throughout the world. It landed in the United States around 1820. Romanticism was permeated by the ___________________ dimension of nature and by the relevance of mind and spirit of the individual.
	Transcendentalism, Germany, aesthetic and spiritual
	Functionalism, Italian, aesthetic and spiritual
	Transcendentalism, Germany, individual
	Transcendentalism, Italian, aesthetic and spiritual
	Functionalism, Germany, aesthetic and spiritual
The Transcendentalism has its roots in the Romanticism, which came from Germany and quickly spread throughout the world. It landed in the United States around 1820. Romanticism was permeated by the aesthetic and spiritual dimension of nature and by the relevance of mind and spirit of the individual.
		Transcendentalism was an idealistic literary and philosophical movement of the mid-19th century, in the US.
Which of the following characteristics DOES NOT fit into those associated with Transcendentalism?
	Defended women´s rights and emigration to new countries.
	Strong motivational force that focuses on patriotism and loyalty to Anglo-Saxons values.
	Individualism and self-reliance.
	A complete break with tradition and custom.
	Concomitant interest in education, temperance and abolitionism.
Strong motivational force that focuses on patriotism and loyalty to Anglo-Saxon values are not associated with Transcendentalism.
		What were the origins of Romanticism in the American literature tradition?
	In consequence, there was an increased demand for independence in cultural and intellectual affairs. Authors were very dissatisfied with the fact that no independent literary tradition existed.
	The publication of The Sketch Book by Washington Irving in 1820 represented a great achievement to American authors.
	Americans were very proud of their military and political accomplishments.
	American medieval tales and traditions constitute an inexhaustible source of themes and ancient historical facts that fed the imagination of authors.
	In 1820 United States had fought and won its second war with England in 1812,
One can say that American medieval tales and traditions constitute an inexhaustible source of themes and ancient historical facts that fed the imagination of authors. They may even be regarded as a very rich period of time for literature.
		What does "Civil Disobedience" portray ?
	It portrays the love story between a white man and an indian woman.
	Civil Disobedience is a famous short-story, by Edgar Allan Poe, which portrays  the importance of laws in a man´s life.
	It portrays the Mexican-American war as an evil comparable to slavery.
	Civil Disobedience is the nameof a famous painting by Thoreau which portrays life as it was in the United States in the nineteenth century.
	It portrays the relationship between a slave who disobeys the orders of his ´master´ and the consequences of it.
Civil disobedience was indeed written by Thoreau and it  portrays the Mexican-American war as an evil comparable to slavery.
		Transcendentalism was an idealistic literary and philosophical movement of the mid-19th century. Beginning in New England in 1836, various visionaries, intellectuals, scholars, and writers would come together regularly to discuss spiritual ideas.
The following are transcendental writers, except:
	 Margaret Fuller.
	Edgar Alan Poe.
	 Henry David Thoreau.
	Ralph Waldo Emerson.
	Theodore Parker.
 " Transcendentalism is an American literary, political, and philosophical movement of the early nineteenth century, centered on Ralph Waldo Emerson ideas. Other important transcendentalists were Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, Amos Bronson Alcott, Frederic Henry Hedge,  and Theodore Parker. " (webclass)
		The following are characteristics of American Romanticism, except:
	Romantic writers defended traditional ways of expressing love , typical of Medieval Times.
	Romantic writers were concerned about the innate or intuitive perception of the heart of man.
	Romantic writers gave more importance to individualism instead of authority.
	Romantic writers exalted the imagination.
	Romantic writers preferred freedom to formalism.
In reaction against the neoclassical spirit, the romantic writers preferred freedom to formalism and gave more importance to individualism instead of authority. They exalted the imagination and the innate or intuitive perception of the heart of man. (webclass)
		Who wrote `Civil  Disobedience´?
There is not much to be explained here since it is a simple question with a simple answer.
Thoreau wrote Civil Disobedience.
		Which alternative does not refer the Romantic movement in America?
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature, first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	The primary feature of American Romanticism--the obsession with and celebration of individualism--takes on particular social relevance because U.S. culture has always prized individualism and egalitarianism.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against nature and the American natives and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	American Romantics tend to venerate Nature as a sanctum of non-artificiality, where the Self can fulfill its potential
Romanticism in America did not represent a revolt against nature and the American natives. In fact, it celebrated nature as well as beauty, individual rights, emotions, imagination.
		America´s economy underwent major changes during the 1920s due to consumerism.
The following contributed to America´s economy except:
	Prohibition to import computers from other countries.
	Automotive companies were a big help for steel, glass, rubber, and gas sales which helped the economy grow.
	Employees, mainly in Ford´s company, received a  higher wage, thus it gave employees more  money to buy more products.
	Prices for equipment and materials to make the cars continued to decrease in the 1920s.
	Coca cola, which was once used to relieve headaches, started being sold as soda as it had a  great taste and could be drank every day.
Computers were not available in the 1920s, so they could not be imported anyway.
		After World War I, what were advertisements in American newspapers and magazines interested in promoting?
	New Subscriptions for magazines and newspapers.
	Higher standards at schools.
	American Culture.
 " By the "Roaring '20s," the consumer economy that started around the turn of the century was flourishing, and a mass market was in the making. By 1925, nearly 40% of the U.S. workforce earned $2,000 or more a year, and the six-day workweek was reduced to five. People had free time and could take vacations. There was money to spend and advertisements, appearing in newspapers and magazines, described what to buy, why and where. So promoting consumerism was a good idea."
		The Spanish-American war brought positive and negative consequences to both sides.
Which of the following was a negative one to the US?
	The nation sought new room to grow: world¿s markets, for instance.
	A number of American soldiers either died or were injured during the war.
	The US became a much stronger country.
	The frontier in the American West disappeared.
	The country was protected by a worldwide Navy based on island territories throughout the world.
This is a simple type of question. The student may even get the conclusion just by reading the options. It is obvious that the death of soldiers is not a positive consequence of any war.
		The 1920 's has changed America in many ways, except:
	Authors of the period struggled to understand the changes occuring in society. While some writers praised the changes others expressed disappointment in the passing of the old ways
	New business and production methods allowed manufacturers to make large profits which they plowed back into new factories and wage rises.
	Reading was a popular recreational activity especially during the winter months when other forms of activity were limited.
	The 1920¿s was a period of social blindness when society was turned to the past and its tradition.
	The 1920's saw new discoveries and inventions in nearly every field of endeavor that became the foundation of thriving businesses.
		What made the US a great power at the end of the nineteenth century?
	The war against Philippines.
	The Secretary of State John Hay was responsible for that.
	The French Revolution against slavery.
	The rapid industrialization and economic growth of the previous decades were responsible for making the US a great power.
	The Spanish-American war.
Economic expansion was crucial in US´s rise to world-power status. Towards the end of the 19th century, the US became the largest economy on earth. The rapid industrialization and economic growth of the previous decades were responsible for making the US a great power.
		Why were ´yellow journalists´ interested in the Spanish-American war?
	Because even though it was important to shape public opinion regarding wars, it might bring social difficulties as far as families are concerned because soldiers might die during the war.
	Because if a good number of Spanish people decided to emigrate to the US , it might be profitable for the journalists.
	Because Spanish people usually bought American newspaper and they were afraid the war might bring difficulties to business.
	Becuase two yellow journalists were married to Spanish women and they did not want the war to bring any problems to them.
	 ´Yellow journalists´ tried to instigate the Spanish- American war becausethey knew war would help sell more newspapers.
Even though Yellow Journalism is sometimes given too much credit for the United State¿s involvement in the Spanish-American War,  the  main impact that ¿yellow journalism¿ had on the Spanish American War was to push the United States towards getting involved in that war. William Randolph Hearst is famous for having used his newspapers to push for American involvement in the war because it might help sell more newspapers.
		What big difference occurred in American magazines in the 1920s?
	They were supported by groups of women who invested their money in the magazines as a way of fighting for their rights.
	They had a worse printing than they used to before the Great Depression.
	The magazines tried to avoid consumerism and encouraged people to save for the future.
	They had an appeal to consumerism.
	They became very expensive so only well-off people could buy them.
		Which alternative IS NOT CORRECT to the Spanish-American War (1898):
	The war did not make the US a great power: the rapid industrialization and economic growth of the previous decades had done that.
	Militarily, the Spanish-American War (1898) was a monumental war. The war constituted a long period of bloody numerous battles between to potencies.
	Internationally, however, the war had major historical significance. The Spanish-American War signaled the emergence of the US as a great power onto the world stage of international relations and diplomacy
	It was not a monumental war. The war was brief, included few battles, and the US generally had an easy time of it, with the war's outcome never in much doubt.
	the war did announce to the rest of the world that the US was now a major player. Lifting its head from a century of isolationism
		Which fact promoted cultural introspection in the 1960 and 1970s in the U.S.A.?
	World War II.
	The artists¿ conformity with the Cold War.
	The hippie movement.
	Unfulfilled religious promises.
	The Vietnam War.
It is claimed that Vietnam War contributed for the cultural introspection in the 1970´s in the USA. Writers, poets, artists in general felt as if they had been pushed off-stage because of  the war.
		Choose the option which best completes  the following sentence.
The Vietnam literature witnessed the birh of the new journalism and declared   ..........   dead.
	the local literature
	the novel
	the national literatue
	the music
	the poetry
Tracking the Vietnam literature  is  a very difficult one, in a time that witnessed the birth of the New Journalism and declared the novel dead.
		What did war critics say about the Vietnam War?
	They argued that the war was necessary to avoid Chinese expansionism.
	They defended the point of view that America needed to control Vietnam or else the communists would.
	They asserted that the United States had the moral right to intervene in Vietnam.
	They agreed with the government that the war was necessary.
	They denounced American military tactics in Vietnam as immoral.
"They suggested that the war was less than honorable, provoked a loud right-wing backlash." So, They denounced American military tactics in Vietnam as immoral. (http://www.newsweek.com/vietnam-ken-burns-vietnam-war-doc-documentary-)
		After World War II, the United States emerged as the strongest world power and assumed a position in international politics.
Which role are we talking about?
	The US assumed the role of leadership as far as politics in the Middle East are concerned.
	The US assumed the role of religious adviser for American countries.
	The US assumed the role of social adviser foe African countries.
	The role of deciding international matters which might involve different countries.
	The role of speaking on behalf of liberal democratic ideals.
 World War II brought the US into light internationally and the Americans assumed the role of speaking on behalf of liberal democratic ideals.
		What was the cold war?
	It was a rivalry between South American Countries and North American ones that lasted for much of the second half of the twentieth century.
	With the decline of Germany as a strong country, in 1947, a war between Britain and France started. It was a different type of war because it happened in the virtual environment.
	It was a war which, in fact, never featured direct military action because, in case it did, both Soviet Union and Cuba would have been vanished from the earth.
	It was a state of political and military tension between the powers of the Western World, led by the U.S.A. and its allies and the communist world led by the Soviet Union and its allies.
	It was a war which took place just after World War II and it was so named because it happened between very cold countries.
The ideological conflict between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. during the second half of the 20th century . It was an intense economic, political, military, and ideological rivalry between nations, short of military conflict; sustained hostile political policies and an atmosphere of strain between opposed countries. (http://www.dictionary.com/browse/cold-war)
		What did the literature of the 1950s in America reflect?
It reflected ....
	 The cultural preoccupations of stability and conformity as it responded to the aesthetic project of modernism.
	The wisdom and responsibility American women showed at a time of shame.
	The reasons and conflicts poets had to face to become famous.
	The hard life Americans had to face to try to succeed in life every time there was an earthquake.
	That American people were still Romantic in spirit in spite of having lost so much money.
The literature of the 1950s reflected the cultural preoccupations of stability and conformity as it responded to the aesthetic project of modernism. Many artists sought to depict what they took to be common or essential to all Americans regardless of gender, class, ethnicity, or regional identity.
		Choose the option which best completes the following sentence.
The Vietnam literature witnessed the birh of the new journalism and declared------------dead.
	the local literature
	the poetry
	the national literature
	 the novel
	the music.
Tracking the Vietnam literature of is very difficult once, in a time that witnessed the birth of the New Journalism and declared the novel dead.
		The 2nd World War effort had shifted industrial production to military ends and recruited women
	to replace factory workers fighting overseas
	to be movie stars
	to be useful housewives
	to help society buying as much as they could
	to stay at home
		The Counterculture Revolution was affected by the cinema. What is the name of a movie which became very famous especially among teenagers in the 1960s?
	Ken Lesey.
	Rear window.
	Easy Rider.
	Psycho I.
" Easy Rider (1969) is the late 1960s "road film" tale of a search for freedom (or the illusion of freedom) in a conformist and corrupt America, in the midst of paranoia, bigotry and violence. Released in the year of the Woodstock concert, and made in a year of two tragic assassinations (Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King), the Vietnam Warbuildup and Nixon's election, the tone of this 'alternative' film is remarkably downbeat and bleak, reflecting the collapse of the idealistic 60s. Easy Rider, one of the first films of its kind, was a ritualistic experience and viewed (often repeatedly) by youthful audiences in the late 1960s as a reflection of their realistic hopes of liberation and fears of the Establishment. " ( http://www.filmsite.org/easy.html )
		Complete the sentence with the choice which best complete the sentence.
In terms of literature and art, the Beats were in opposition to the formalism of the ---------------------
	revolutionay writers
They viewed capitalism as a very negative force to the human spirit and their literature was in opposition to the formalism of the Modernists.
		Mark the option which best completes the sentence.
Hippies were the counterculture of the ------------, as the Beats were the counterculture of the 50´s.
: Their lifestyles included the concepts of freedom, peace and harmony of the 60s.
		Read the passage below and choose the ending of the sentence which DOES NOT fit in the paragraph.
As members of the hippie movement grew older, and moderated their lives and their views, and specially after the US involvement in the Vietnam War ended in the mid 1970s, the counterculture was largely absorbed by the mainstream leaving a lasting impact on ...
The word sports does not fit in the paragraph. All the others do.
		The 2nd World War effort had shifted industrial production to military ends and recruited women
	to replace factory workers fighting overseas
	to stay at home
	to be movie stars
	to help society buying as much as they could
	to be useful housewives
		The role of women as full-time homemakers in industrial society was challenged in 1963 in America.
How was it expressed?
	When American feminist Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique, giving momentum to the women's movement and influencing what many called Second-wave feminism.
	By means of the American educator, b. Mayesville, who, in Chicago had a school for Negro Girls built and later on  the Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute
	It was expressed by Gloria Steinem who used the newspaper she worked at to publish interesting articles about the women´s rights.
	When Angela Davis had her book of cronics about women´s rights published , it gave rise to questionings on the topic.
	American leader in the birth control movement, Margaret Higgins, arranged a meeting with the American President so as to try to give women the right of abortion.
It was a decade of extremes, of transformational change and bizarre contrasts:." In the 1960s, deep cultural changes were altering the role of women in American society. More females than ever were entering the paid workforce, and this increased the dissatisfaction among women regarding huge gender disparities in pay and advancement and sexual harassment at the workplace."
		What would you associate the 1960s with?
	The resurrection of the Catholic Church in the USSR.
	Nonviolent movements for equal rights.
	The sending of whole families to visit the moon.
	The total acceptance of African Americans by the U.S.A. society.
	The denial to equal rights to New-Yorkers.
		What is the term ´New-Left´associated with? 
	Left-handed people who fought for equal rights like the right-handed had.
	The development of social justice organizations in Canada.
	Women who wanted abortion to be accepted all over the U.S.
	British College Campus who fought against American growth in politics.
	Left-wing movements which occurred in the U.S. in the 60s and 70s and which adopted social activism.
New left  " was a political movement originating especially among students in the 1960s and 1970s, favoring confrontational tactics, often breaking with older leftist ideologies, and concerned especially with antiwar, antinuclear, feminist, and ecological issues."
( www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/New%20Left )
		Choose the right words to fill in the blanks:
On September 11th in the USA, ............. crashed passenger planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers 
in New York, toppling the 110-story twin towers, killing all ......... the jets and more than ......... people on the ground.
	buses  -  women  - 2000
	cars -  adults  - 4000
	pilots  -  on  - 5000
	helicopters - aboard - 3500
	hijackers - aboard - 3000
On September 11th in the USA,  hijackers crashed passenger planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers 
in New York, toppling the 110-story twin towers, killing all aboard the jets and more than 3,000 people on the ground.
		Choose the best option to complete the following sentence.
In 2008, Senator Barack Obama beats Senator John McCain for presidency. He was the first-------------to occupy the post of presidente of the USA.
	 African American
 Obama´s mother is a White woman from Kansas and his father was a black man from Kenya.
		While confidence in Obama has slipped, in many of the countries surveyed, people continue to express confidence in President Obama´s foreign policy leadership.
Which country in the list below does not express confidence in Obama´s foreign policy?
There is little support for Obama, however, in the predominantly Muslim nations surveyed. Fewer than three-in-ten express confidence in him in Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey and Jordan. And roughly a year after he ordered the Abbottabad raid that killed Osama bin Laden, just 7% of Pakistanis have a positive view of Obama, the same percentage that voiced confidence in President George W. Bush during the final year of his administration. (webclass)
		We can notice, in American society, differences in behaviour after September 11th, 2001.
Which of the following is an example of changes which occurred after September 11th, 2001?
	In all American schools, students are taught how to shoot.
	Less tolerance among Americans for dissenting views concerning the foreign policy.
	Foreigners who come from Asia are not allowed to visit the US anymore.
	Foreign students who apply for American Universities need to go through massive investigation before being accepted.
	More freedom for young people.
´There is less tolerance among Americans for dissenting views concerning the foreign policy. We hear some Americans calling others anti−American¿oranti-American¿orunpatriotic,¿ because they have expressed critical remarks about the Administration's actions-especially the threats to attack Iraq. After the attack on Iraq began, intolerance increased.´(webclass)
		In life, no one can predict the outcome of different sorts of events.
Which event took place in the USA in the beginning of this century in which a great number of people died?
	The attack which destroyed the World Trade Center  that took place on September 11, 2001.
	TheSpanish-American war.
	The attack to Pearl Harbour which was the outbreak of the Vietnan War.
	The attack to the Pentagon in the outbreak of World War I.
	The Cold War.
In the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil, on September 11th, 2001, hijackers crashed passenger planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers 
in New York, toppling the 110-story twin towers, killing all aboard the jets and more than 3,000 people on the ground.
		Hijackers crashed passenger planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers in New York, toppling the 110-story twin towers, killing all aboard the jets and more than 3,000 people on the ground. The previous sentence refers to
	The Spanish War
	The Independence Battles
	The deadliest terrorist attack on American soil
	World War II
	World War I
		Choose the alternatives that correctly fills the blancks of the following text: The _______ in the northeast United States were an organized terrorist act carried out by 19 hijackers, and organized by numerous members of_____. Motives for the attacks were stated before and after the attacks in several sources, Osama bin Laden¿s declaration of a ______ against the United States, and a fatwā signed by bin Laden and others calling for the killing of American civilians in 1998, are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation.[
	American Independence, al-Qaeda, holy war
	attacks of September 11, 2001, Crusades, holy war
	attacks of September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda, World War I
	attacks of September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda, holy war
	attacks of September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda, Vietnam War
		How many people died on September 11, 2001, as a result of the plane attacks?
	Around 4,000 Americans died as a result of the attacks.
	Around 2,500 people.
	Around 3,000 people.
	Around 5,000 people.
	Around 2,000 people.
This is a straight forward type of question. All the student needs to know is the amount of people who died as a result of the attack to the World Trade Center, on September 11th, 2001.

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