
Literatura norte-americana prova final

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	The Great Depression that occurred in the United States of America at the end of the 1920s coupled with the Two World Wars were at the basis of questioning and a profusion of feeling in American society. American people felt trapped in a mix of confusion, disappointment, and trouble in the way life was going on. Mark T for true, and F for false:
(    ) Literature reflected this situation by exploring thematics related to confusion and disappointment.
(    ) North-American literature did not really get influenced by the events occurring abroad.
(    ) The loss of illusions was at the base of the so-called Lost Generation.
(    ) The main focus of Modernist authors was this one: show the essence of modern life.
Check the right answer:
	T - F - T - T.
	F - F - F - T.
	T - T - F - F.
	F - T - F - T.
	America represented for many pillgrims the accomplishment of a dream, the search of a place where a new life could be started, away from oppression and the harrash conditions of life that they fled in Europe. This new life and way of living they were allowed to start on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean provided them with some feelings and manners to conceive the world. Check the CORRECT answer, among the possibilities given bellow, the one best suits this new way:
	A more natural way of life, as human beings are nature oriented in their everyday´s life.
	A symbolic way of life, because for each impression corresponds an image.
	Being romantic because of the great amount of poets in England.
	Individualism which is not exactly focused on being selfish and egoistic, but independent.
	We all know how to tell a story, as narrative is one of the faculties we seem to be born with. Since childhood, the first thing toddlers know to do all the time is telling parents what they have or what they have not been through all day long. When it comes to the literary gender, the novel, we are also faced to stories and telling, but some proceedings are to be applied. Order the steps of a novel and narrative bellow, in an order that corresponds to the perfect plot:
I- The conflict/edge.
II- The solution(s).
III- Tension and conflict growing.
IV- Situation.
Check the CORRECT sequence:
	II - IV - III - I.
	IV - II - I - III.
	IV - III - I - II.
	I - III - IV - II.
	At the begining of the XXth century, America faced a great excitement and optimism vague. This lead to a few changes and creativity arrose. Among other arts, we can talk about the irruption of jazz in music and, in literature, new ways of expressing feelings, ideas, dreams. Read the following sentences and check T for true and F for false:
(    ) During American Modernism, the authors started talking about modern way of living in their works.
(    ) The Great Depression is at the source of the optimism put in the books of this period.
(    ) A certain confusion which was in the air appears in the books of this period.
(    ) Style of writings reflects the difficulties and doubts that society faced at the time.
Check the CORRECT sequence:
	F - T - F - F.
	T - F - T - T.
	F - F - T - T.
	T - T - F - F.
	When European people colonized the East coast of America they confronted to people that were already living there. These people were associated to Indian, as one considered to be in India. But the people they met when arriving consisted of a great number of groups following their own rules, with their traditions and beliefs, ways of living and knowledge. Analyze the sentences below and then relate them to the corresponding assumption:
I- The British early litterature.
II- The native people´s literature.
(    ) Their literature was actually not writen in their own language
(    ) Their literature was a series of stories and essais mainly describing the land and people.
(    ) A long oral tradition of myths and personalities characterized these first writings in English.
(    ) They started to write about the beginings of British people, their leaders and the possibilities the land had to offer.
Check the CORRECT sequence:
	II - I - II - I.
	II - II - II - I.
	I - II - I - II.
	I - I - I - II.
	Ralph Waldo Emmerson was a consistente writer who wrote about the human person, characteristics of being an individual and relying on oneself. About his preferred gender, check the CORRECT answer:
	Poetry only.
	Novels and stories.
	Poetry, novel and drama.
	Jeff Kinney is a contemporary writer worldwide sold and known. Usually an author gets his/her celebrity by one novel or book he writes. This author is known worldwide for one book people read all over the world, perhaps even you read it. This book among the choices below. Check the CORRECT answer:
	Diary of a Wimpy kid.
	His romantic poetry.
	Diary of a grapefruit.
	His book Moby Dick.
	Literature corresponds to what a society is, its practices, its ways of thinking, the social aspects touching feelings and sensibilities of people. Usually, when a book and the aims or demands of people match each other, people are eager to read it, to talk about it, because they really feel inside the story or that a bond of humanity gets them together. When considering different periods of time and the books that were or are famous in this period, associate the books below to their author:
I- Harry Potter and the Philosopher´s Stone.
II- Passion´s Promise.
III- The Thomas Berryman Number.
IV- A Song for Lya and Others.
(    ) James Patterson.
(    ) George R. R. Martin.
(    ) J. K. Rowling.
(    ) Danielle Steel.
Check the CORRECT sequence:
	II - I - III - IV.
	I - II - IV - III.
	IV - III - II - I.
	III - IV - I - II.
	Every person gets to the posterity because of a series of acts and woks left behind. During the History of the United States of America, some personalities arrose and became famous until today. Thus, when studying american literature, their names or acts have to be known. Analyze the following biographical information and relate them to the correct person:
I- This person was born in Boston in 1706. He/she introduced ways to a better living in Philadelphia with a newspaper article that he published.  
II- This person liked to talk about religion. That´s the reason why he/she got in trouble with local authorities who didn´t like progressive people.
III- With the approval of the Constitution of the United Stated, this person because the First President of the United States.
IV- This person was responsible for a peaceful contact with John Smith´s expeditions and the native. The beginning of the national Thanksgiving celebration is said to have appeared at this time.
(    ) The native girl Pocahontas.
(    ) George Washington.
(    ) Benjamin Franklin.
(    ) Anne Hutchinson
Check the CORRECT sequence:
	III - IV - II - I.
	II - I - IV - III.
	IV - III - I - II.
	IV - II - I - III.
	A culture if formed by a series of values and literary mouvements. Some of them spread away from their origins and get into new lands and people. Among these values of literary mouvents some fit more than others to specific cultures. Among the literary values bellow, check the one really fits the American culture and check the CORRECT answer:
	Individualism which is not exactly focused on being selfish and egoistic, but quite independent.
	Symbolism because for each impression corresponds no image.
	Romanticism because it is based on poetry in England.
	Naturalism as people are nature oriented in their everyday´s life.
	(ENADE, 2017) During an American Literature survey course at an American university, there was a racial incident at the university library. It was bad enough to make the President of the university send a message condemning racism and improper behavior and to lead many AfricanAmerican students hold protests and marches on campus.
In the final exam period, the professor responsible for the survey course exhorted students that such incidents show why we need to study literature, specifically literature of diverse voices from the past. He mentioned some texts which directly addressed white readership about the hypocrisy of racial bias, as a prime example of the type of literary work that the offending student, and all students, should be reading so as to interrogate critically their own prejudices and to nullify or respond thoughtfully to such hateful acts. He also encouraged them to be activists in addition to scholars, to speak up against injustice while remembering the lessons of earlier American culture wars.
As the ensuing final project presentations demonstrated, he needn't have bothered. The class had already internalized these lessons and applied them to their anthology and literary recovery projects. These projects recovered forgotten or neglected voices and put them into conversation with our world of 2015 or grouped together activist or subversive texts from American writers. Regardless of the topic they chose, these students were making pre-1900 American literature speak to their time as well as to its own. In essence, this was the entire point of the survey course, which, throughout the semester, worked to surface issues of canon : who's in, who's out, and who decides, and what points in history.
FONTE: THOMSON, T; TONTI, K. American Literature Time Machine: Toward a Democratic Canon in the Undergratuate Survey Course. American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice. v. 8, n. 4, p. 14-38, 2017 (adaptado).
Segundo esse texto, o professor de Literatura norte-americana repensou o currículo e a sua prática na sala de aula a partir de um incidente ocorrido na universidade onde leciona. A proposta do professor foi:
	Apresentar a seus alunos as obras canônicas da literatura norte-americana para que pudessem conhecer a cultura daquele país.
	Estudar em suas aulas de literatura as obras de autores norte-americanos que tratassem do tema do preconceito racial.
	Apresentar a seus alunos as obras canônicas da literatura norte-americana para que pudessem conhecer a cultura daquele país.
	Resgatar obras e autores do passado que dialogassem com questões socioculturais atuais e cuja leitura levasse a questionamentos críticos acerca de posicionamentos preconceituosos no presente.
	(ENADE, 2014) "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
« Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door -
Only this, and nothing more."
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore -
Nameless here for evermore.
And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating,
Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door -
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; -
This it is, and nothing more."
FONTE: POE, E. A. The Raven. Disponível em: http://eapoe.org/works/poems/ravent.htm. Acesso em: 18 jul. 2017 (adaptado).
Considere um professor de língua inglesa que decide trabalhar com poemas em sala de aula. Nesse contexto, avalie as afirmações a seguir, a respeito dos usos que o professor pode fazer do poema apresentado:
I- Utilizar o esquema de rimas para verificar a percepção de aspectos fonológicos pelos estudantes.
II- Abordar a compreensão textual de gêneros literários pelos estudantes.
III- Avaliar aspectos morfossintáticos.
IV- Verificar se os estudantes compreendem aspectos semânticos, como metáforas.
É correto o que se afirma em:
	I, III e IV, apenas.
	II e III, apenas.
	I, II, III e IV.
	I e IV, apenas.

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