
how to type python command

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And a Code Editor
A code editor helps with reading and writing programming code. There are many around, and it is one of the most personal choices a programmer can make - Like a tennis-player choosing their racket, or a chef choosing their favourite knife. To start off with, you’ll just want a basic, easy-to-use one that doesn’t get in your way, but is still effective at writing python code. Here are some suggestions for those:
· Atom: A new code editor available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It’s an open-source project developed by GitHub and is very easy to add functionality for, with its packages system.
· Sublime Text: A great all around editor that’s easy to use. It’s Ctl+B shortcut lets you run the python file you’re working on straight away. Runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.
· Geany: A simple editor that doesn’t aim to be too complicated. Available on Windows and Linux (you can probably find it in your package manager).
· TextMate: One of the most famous code editors for Mac, it used to be a paid product but has since been open-sourced.
· Gedit and Kate: if you run Linux using Gnome or KDE respectively, you might already have one of these two installed!
· Komodo Edit: a sleak, free editor for Mac, Windows and Linux, based on the more powerful Komodo IDE.
If you’d like our recommendation, try out Sublime Text first.
Ref : https://opentechschool.github.io/python-beginners/en/getting_started.html#:~:text=Just%20type%20python%20at%20your,your%20console%20to%20tell%20you.

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