
Documento (34)

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Basic text: John 8: 21 to 59
 1 . Who did Jesus say he was?
 2. Read verses 40 to 44 and answer: Who did Jesus say was the father of these men and why?
 3. Who did Jesus say is God's?
 4. What did Jesus mean in verse 51?
 5. “And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free” verse 31: What did Jesus come to deliver us? How to receive this release?
 6. What did Jesus mean in John 10:30?
 7. Why did Jesus have to die? Answer based on John 3:16 -18
 8. Did Jesus exist before he was born of Mary? Read John 8:58 and explain.
 9. What did Jesus carry in his body when he was crucified? See Isaiah 53: 4 and 5 / 1Peter 2:24
 10. Tell us a miracle that Jesus performed that most caught your attention

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