
Very 302 Circle the most suitable underlined both are possible, circle both of them. a. Tom used to live would live in the house at the end of the ...

Very 302 Circle the most suitable underlined both are possible, circle both of them. a. Tom used to live would live in the house at the end of the b. Every evening Jack used to turn on would turn on the radio and fall c. My grandfather used to tell would tell me stories at Halloween. d. used to like / would like sweets much more than I do now. e. didn't use to like / wouldn't like beer. f. She would go to go home and cook dinner for all of us

used to live
would live
used to turn on
would turn on
used to tell
would tell
used to like
would like
didn't use to like
wouldn't like
would go

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A resposta correta para cada alternativa é: a. used to live / would live b. used to turn on / would turn on c. used to tell / would tell d. used to like / would like e. didn't use to like / wouldn't like f. would go / go


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