
In the hypothetical situation in which 'we find a modern, sporty, and bright red car parked on the track', according to its semantic dimension, we ...

In the hypothetical situation in which 'we find a modern, sporty, and bright red car parked on the track', according to its semantic dimension, we can conclude that:

1. The car is just syntactic information in front of us since it is not ours.
2. The car is red and bright, and therefore has only an aesthetic function.
3. Its semantic dimension is intercepted by the fact that it is not in motion.
4. We are sure that it works, transits, and travels faster because it is sporty, not common.
5. The pragmatic dimension delivers to us only its meaning according to its apparent traits.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Semiótica e Semântica do Português 4
10 pág.

Português EE Antonio Cristino CortesEE Antonio Cristino Cortes


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De acordo com a situação hipotética apresentada, podemos concluir que a alternativa correta é a número 2: "O carro é vermelho e brilhante, e portanto possui apenas uma função estética." Isso porque a descrição do carro como "moderno, esportivo e vermelho brilhante" indica características visuais e estéticas, sem fornecer informações sobre seu funcionamento, movimento ou significado pragmático.


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