
Starting in 1599, this manual provided priest-teachers with plans, programs, and methods of Catholic education. In Brazil, after the death of Fathe...

Starting in 1599, this manual provided priest-teachers with plans, programs, and methods of Catholic education. In Brazil, after the death of Father Manuel da Nóbrega, they began to faithfully follow the teachings of the Society of Jesus from 1600, expressed in the 'Ratio Studiorum,' and thus developed an education that worked on two fronts, what are they?

a) The formation of ruling elites and the catechetical formation of peoples.
b) The formation of ruling elites and the formation of religious orders.
c) The formation of ruling elites and the formation of political parties.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

questionario 2 história da educação Pedagógia
1 pág.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa a) A formação das elites governantes e a formação catequética dos povos.


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