
Considering the citation and the contents of the Learning Route of Lesson 3, Theme 4 - Product of the project: the sports and recreational event of...

Considering the citation and the contents of the Learning Route of Lesson 3, Theme 4 - Product of the project: the sports and recreational event of Organization of Sports and Recreational Events, about the product generated by a project of organization of sports and recreational events, analyze the following statements:

I. The product generates the project and is always commercial.
II. Projects are created from needs and demands.
III. The government organizations sector serves the government with products and services as payment for sponsorships.
IV. The private companies sector holds events based on profits or marketing strategies.
V. The third sector encompasses non-profit private companies and/or NGOs, offering themselves to social groups and causes.
A) I and II are correct.
B) II and IV are correct.
C) III, IV and V are correct.
D) II, IV and V are correct.

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97 pág.

Organização de Eventos Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER


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A resposta correta é a alternativa D) II, IV e V estão corretas.


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