
Through spontaneity, we are re-formed within ourselves. Spontaneity creates an explosion that for a moment frees us from static frames of reference...

Through spontaneity, we are re-formed within ourselves. Spontaneity creates an explosion that for a moment frees us from static frames of reference, from memory suffocated by old facts and information, from theories not digested and techniques that are in reality discoveries of others. Spontaneity is a moment of personal freedom when we are face to face with reality and see it, explore it, and act in accordance with it. In this reality, our smallest parts function as an organic whole. It is the moment of discovery, of experience, of creative expression. Both the 'average person' and the

A) Learning in art involves mechanical copying, as a necessary path to establish knowledge.
B) For learning in art, our significant, communicative, and fruitful capacity is independent of lived experiences.
C) Learning in art is only meaningful when the object of knowledge is art itself.
D) Learning in art is only meaningful when the learner has had happy encounters with art.
E) Learning in art only makes sense for those who already have a cultural baggage.

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39 pág.

Artes Integradas: Artes Visuais, Música, Dança e Teatro Fiam-Faam - Centro UniversitárioFiam-Faam - Centro Universitário

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A alternativa correta é a letra D) Learning in art is only meaningful when the learner has had happy encounters with art.


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