
Indicate the alternative that shows the average rate of the reaction as a function of H2, given that in the interval of 100 s, the concentration of...

Indicate the alternative that shows the average rate of the reaction as a function of H2, given that in the interval of 100 s, the concentration of HI decreased from 4 x 10^-3 mol.L^-1 to 3.5 x 10^-3 mol.L^-1 for the reaction 2 HI(g) → H2(g) + I2(g).

2.5x10^-6 (mol de H2).L^-1.s^-1
4.5x10^-6 (mol de H2).L^-1.s^-1
1.5x10^-6 (mol de H2).L^-1.s^-1
3.5x10^-6 (mol de H2).L^-1.s^-1
5x10^-6 (mol de H2).L^-1.s^-1

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9 pág.

Físico-química I Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A alternativa correta que mostra a taxa média da reação em função do H2 é 3.5x10^-6 (mol de H2).L^-1.s^-1.


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