
What was the effect of athlete status on cognitive function measures compared to non-athlete controls, according to the meta-analysis? The effect ...

What was the effect of athlete status on cognitive function measures compared to non-athlete controls, according to the meta-analysis?

The effect of athlete status had a significant medium facilitating effect on cognitive function measures, compared to non-athlete controls.
The meta-analytic estimate of this effect was g = 0.57, 95% confidence interval (CI) = [0.27, 0.87].
The majority of studies were described in peer-reviewed journal articles (97%), and the remaining sources were dissertations.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Trainedathletesandcognitivefunctionasystematicreviewandmetaanalysis (1)
27 pág.

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The effect of athlete status on cognitive function measures, according to the meta-analysis, was found to have a significant medium facilitating effect compared to non-athlete controls. The meta-analytic estimate of this effect was g = 0.57, with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of [0.27, 0.87]. It is important to note that the majority of studies included in the analysis were described in peer-reviewed journal articles (97%), while the remaining sources were dissertations.


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