
Recreational activities can be grouped into five categories: leisure, recreation, rest, sports, and meditation. II. ( ) Recreational activities can...

Recreational activities can be grouped into five categories: leisure, recreation, rest, sports, and meditation. II. ( ) Recreational activities can be grouped into five categories: physical, manual, artistic, intellectual, and social. III. ( ) Recreational activities present elements of leisure and their functions, which are: release, pleasure, rest, fun, and development. IV. ( ) Recreational activities can be defined as the set of physical, manual, artistic, intellectual, social, tourist, and technological activities promoted for rest and entertainment. V. ( ) Examples of physical recreational activities are cycling tours, gardening, literature, and travel. Now, choose the alternative that presents the correct sequence:

I - True
II - True
III - True
IV - False
V - False
A V – F – V – V – F
B V – V – V – V – F
C F – F – F – V – V
D F – V – V – V – F
E V – F – F – V – V

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Organização de Eventos Esportivos e Recreativos- APOL NOTA 90
10 pág.

Educação Física Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER


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A alternativa correta é a letra D) F - V - V - V - F.



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