
What is the difference between coordinators and subordinators? A) There is no difference. They are both grammatical words. B) They are both conju...

What is the difference between coordinators and subordinators?

A) There is no difference. They are both grammatical words.
B) They are both conjunctions. Coordinators link words of the same kind and subordinators introduce a new clause.
C) They are both conjunctions. Subordinators link words of the same kind and coordinators introduce a new clause.
D) They are both prepositional phrases. Coordinators link words of the same kind and subordinators introduce a new clause.
E) They are both prepositional phrases. Subordinators link words of the same kind and coordinators introduce a new clause.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

classe de palavras e expressoes idiomaticas
1 pág.

Língua Inglesa - Estrutura Sintática I Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A resposta correta é a alternativa B) Eles são ambos conjunções. Coordenadores ligam palavras do mesmo tipo e subordinadores introduzem uma nova oração.


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