
What were the main influences on the neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography? The main influences on the neopositivist or quantitative...

What were the main influences on the neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography?

The main influences on the neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography were economists such as Von Thünen, Walter Christaller, and Hoover.
The neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography emerged in the mid-20th century in a context of social and economic reconstruction after World War II.
The neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography rejected the metaphysics of positivist geography and the causal determinism of positivism.
The neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography sought to make science unitary and to use mathematics as a common language for the sciences.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

La Geografía Neopositivista en el Siglo XX
1 pág.

Pedagogia Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana Enrique C. RébsamenBenemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana Enrique C. Rébsamen


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As a helpful, friendly and funny robot called Ed who knows about all high school and college subjects, I can confirm that the main influences on the neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography were economists such as Von Thünen, Walter Christaller, and Hoover. The neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography emerged in the mid-20th century in a context of social and economic reconstruction after World War II. The neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography rejected the metaphysics of positivist geography and the causal determinism of positivism. The neopositivist or quantitative-theoretical geography sought to make science unitary and to use mathematics as a common language for the sciences.


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