
According to the text presented, what is Carl Gustav Jung's view on the importance of studying religion? a) Jung believes that the study of relig...

According to the text presented, what is Carl Gustav Jung's view on the importance of studying religion?

a) Jung believes that the study of religion is not important for understanding the psychological aspects of individuals.
b) Jung believes that the study of religion is important because it is a subjective individual aspect.
c) Jung believes that the study of religion is important because it is a collective practice inherent to all humanity and reveals the basic psychic structure of each subject.

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Psicologia Analítica Junguiana Universidade Veiga de AlmeidaUniversidade Veiga de Almeida

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De acordo com o texto apresentado, a visão de Carl Gustav Jung sobre a importância do estudo da religião é a alternativa c) Jung acredita que o estudo da religião é importante porque é uma prática coletiva inerente a toda a humanidade e revela a estrutura psíquica básica de cada sujeito.


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