
Visit the AVA to listen to the audio and practice pronunciation. What is the correct translation of the following terms into Portuguese? to sell to...

Visit the AVA to listen to the audio and practice pronunciation. What is the correct translation of the following terms into Portuguese?
to sell
to support
taking (to take)
belongs (to belong)
put this away (to put away)

a) vender, apoiar, levar, pertencer, guardar
b) comprar, ajudar, deixar, possuir, retirar
c) vender, suportar, pegar, pertencer, guardar

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Apostila de Ingles- Senar English Farm- Stage 1
331 pág.

Inglês Universidade do Oeste de Santa CatarinaUniversidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

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A tradução correta dos termos para o português é: to sell - vender to support - apoiar taking (to take) - pegar belongs (to belong) - pertencer put this away (to put away) - guardar Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra A) vender, apoiar, pegar, pertencer, guardar.


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