
Analyzing the policies of some secretariats regarding special education/inclusive schooling, what can be inferred from the collected data in the no...

Analyzing the policies of some secretariats regarding special education/inclusive schooling, what can be inferred from the collected data in the northern and southern regions of the state?
a) The state government is responsible for the education of students with special needs.
b) The partnership between regular schools and special education institutions is not effective.
c) The lack of specialized pedagogical support is a common problem in regular schools.
d) The inclusion of students with special needs is guaranteed by the local government.
e) The inclusion of students with special needs is only possible through the initiative of the professionals involved.

a) a, b, and c are correct.
b) b, c, and e are correct.
c) c and e are correct.
d) d and e are correct.
e) b and c are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Política de Inclusão Escolar no Espírito Santo
13 pág.

Comunicação Empresarial I Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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A alternativa correta é a letra E) b e c estão corretas. A partir da análise das políticas de algumas secretarias em relação à educação especial/inclusiva, pode-se inferir que a falta de suporte pedagógico especializado é um problema comum nas escolas regulares e que a parceria entre escolas regulares e instituições de educação especial não é efetiva.


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