
According to the text, what is the responsibility of the constructor in case of defects in the construction of a building? The constructor is not ...

According to the text, what is the responsibility of the constructor in case of defects in the construction of a building?

The constructor is not responsible for any defects in the construction of a building.
The constructor is responsible for any defects that compromise the basic conditions of habitability of the building.
The constructor is only responsible for defects that cause the ruin of the building.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Only III is correct.
d) II and III are correct.
e) I and III are correct.


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De acordo com o texto, a responsabilidade do construtor em caso de defeitos na construção de um prédio é a seguinte: o construtor é responsável por quaisquer defeitos que comprometam as condições básicas de habitabilidade do prédio. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra II.



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