
What is the content of the course 'Introduction to Engineering'? Distance between lines and planes; Distance between planes; Study of conics: par...

What is the content of the course 'Introduction to Engineering'?

Distance between lines and planes; Distance between planes; Study of conics: parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, and conic sections; Methodology of teaching and learning; Audiovisual resources; Evaluation methodology.
Introduction to engineering; Professional profile of the graduated engineer; Professional activities of the engineer; Continuing education; Notions of technological projects and research.
Introduction; Overview of the career; Brief history of engineering; Career regulation; Engineering modalities; Communication; The engineer and communication; Technical language; The engineer; Engineer and society; Engineer in the job market; Desirable qualities of a professional; Professional ethics in the technical social context; Research; Technological research; Science and technology; Teaching of engineering, science, and technology; Example of an engineering and research work; Projects; What is a project?; Project phases; Information collection; Solution conception; Project evaluation; Final solution specification; Approach to engineering problems; Methodology of teaching and learning; Audiovisual resources; Evaluation methodology.

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Cálculo I Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista

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