
Identify the statement that brings Cancer Cachexia: Cancer cachexia A. Thrombotic diatheses result from the production of thromboplastic substance...

Identify the statement that brings Cancer Cachexia:

Cancer cachexia
A. Thrombotic diatheses result from the production of thromboplastic substances by tumor cells and manifest as disseminated intravascular coagulation.
B. Paraneoplastic syndromes can be the earliest clinical manifestations of a neoplasm and can mimic distant dissemination.
C. Syndromes associated with the tumor, in which symptoms are directly related to the spread

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A resposta correta que traz a Cachexia do Câncer é a opção C. "Síndromes associadas ao tumor, em que os sintomas estão diretamente relacionados à disseminação". A cachexia do câncer é uma síndrome caracterizada pela perda de peso, perda de massa muscular e fraqueza que ocorre em pacientes com câncer avançado.


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