
What are the principles that guide the SENAI Professional Education Methodology? a) Learning mediation, interdisciplinarity, contextualization, d...

What are the principles that guide the SENAI Professional Education Methodology?

a) Learning mediation, interdisciplinarity, contextualization, development of skills that support competencies, emphasis on learning to learn, approximation of training to the real world of work and social practices, integration between theory and practice, and affectivity as a condition for meaningful learning.
b) Learning mediation, interdisciplinarity, contextualization, development of skills that support competencies, emphasis on learning to learn, approximation of training to the real world of work and social practices, integration between theory and practice, and affectivity as a condition for formal learning.
c) Learning mediation, interdisciplinarity, contextualization, development of skills that support competencies, emphasis on learning to learn, approximation of training to the real world of work and social practices, integration between theory and practice, and affectivity as a condition for informal learning.

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A alternativa correta é a letra A) Learning mediation, interdisciplinarity, contextualization, development of skills that support competencies, emphasis on learning to learn, approximation of training to the real world of work and social practices, integration between theory and practice, and affectivity as a condition for meaningful learning.


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