
Exercise 2 Analyze each image, then observe the clue adjective, and Write down three sentences for each image, use the past simple tenses, see the ...

Exercise 2
Analyze each image, then observe the clue adjective, and Write down three sentences for each image, use the past simple tenses, see the example to guide you through.

Sentence 1.- --- The thermometer 1 was hot.

Sentence 2----- The thermometer 2 was hotter than thermometer 1 Sentence 3----- The thermometer was the hottest

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Engenharia Universidad Virtual Del Estado De GuanajuatoUniversidad Virtual Del Estado De Guanajuato

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Claro! Vou te ajudar com o exercício. Aqui estão três frases para cada imagem, usando o tempo verbal "past simple": Imagem 1 (CLUE: HOT): 1. The coffee was hot when I poured it into the cup. 2. The sun was hot during our beach trip yesterday. 3. The oven was hot after baking the cookies. Imagem 2 (CLUE: COLD): 1. The ice cream was cold and refreshing on a hot summer day. 2. The water in the swimming pool was cold, but we still had fun swimming. 3. The wind was cold, so I wore a jacket to keep warm. Imagem 3 (CLUE: BEAUTIFUL): 1. The sunset was beautiful with its vibrant colors. 2. The flowers in the garden were beautiful and smelled amazing. 3. The painting in the art gallery was beautiful and caught everyone's attention. Espero que isso te ajude com o exercício! Se tiver mais alguma dúvida, é só me perguntar.


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