
Exercise 2 Analyze each image, then observe the clue adjective, and Write down three sentences for each image, use the past simple tenses, see the ...

Exercise 2
Analyze each image, then observe the clue adjective, and Write down three sentences for each image, use the past simple tenses, see the example to guide you through.

Sentence 1.- ---The city 1 was far
Sentence 2----- The city 3 was farer than City 1
Sentence 3----- The city 3 was the farest

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11 pág.

Engenharia Universidad Virtual Del Estado De GuanajuatoUniversidad Virtual Del Estado De Guanajuato

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Claro! Vou ajudar com o exercício. Aqui estão as três frases para cada imagem usando o passado simples: Imagem 1: 1. The city 1 was far. 2. The city 2 was farther than city 1. 3. The city 3 was the farthest. Imagem 2: 1. The mountain 1 was far. 2. The mountain 2 was farther than mountain 1. 3. The mountain 3 was the farthest. Imagem 3: 1. The beach 1 was far. 2. The beach 2 was farther than beach 1. 3. The beach 3 was the farthest. Espero que isso ajude! Se você tiver mais perguntas, é só me avisar.


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