
A factory produces 240 metal pieces, some measuring 30 centimeters and others measuring 40 centimeters. Knowing that the total length of the produc...

A factory produces 240 metal pieces, some measuring 30 centimeters and others measuring 40 centimeters. Knowing that the total length of the produced pieces is equal to 7600 centimeters, how many pieces measuring 30 centimeters were produced?

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3 pág.

Matemática Universidade Federal de UberlândiaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia


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To find the number of pieces measuring 30 centimeters that were produced, we can set up an equation based on the given information. Let's assume the number of pieces measuring 30 centimeters is "x". The number of pieces measuring 40 centimeters would then be "240 - x" since the factory produces a total of 240 pieces. The total length of the produced pieces is equal to the sum of the lengths of the pieces measuring 30 centimeters and the lengths of the pieces measuring 40 centimeters. We can express this as an equation: 30x + 40(240 - x) = 7600 Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of "x": 30x + 9600 - 40x = 7600 -10x = -2000 x = 200 Therefore, the factory produced 200 pieces measuring 30 centimeters.


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