
What is the difference between tissue regeneration and cicatrization? I- Tissue regeneration occurs when the lesion is limited and there are cell ...

What is the difference between tissue regeneration and cicatrization?

I- Tissue regeneration occurs when the lesion is limited and there are cell types capable of performing mitosis in the tissue.
II- Tissue regeneration occurs when the lesion is more complex or the tissue cells cannot perform tissue repair.
III- In tissue regeneration, the lost cells are replaced by cells of the exact same type.
IV- In cicatrization, the original tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue.
V- Cicatrization is a process of substitution.
VI- Cicatrization occurs when the lesion is limited and there are cell types capable of performing mitosis in the tissue.
a) Only I, III and V are correct.
b) Only II, IV and VI are correct.
c) Only I, III, IV and V are correct.
d) Only II, III, IV and VI are correct.
e) All statements are correct.

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A diferença entre regeneração tecidual e cicatrização é que na regeneração tecidual, as células perdidas são substituídas por células do mesmo tipo, enquanto na cicatrização, o tecido original é substituído por tecido fibroso. Além disso, a regeneração tecidual ocorre quando a lesão é limitada e existem tipos de células capazes de realizar mitose no tecido, enquanto a cicatrização ocorre quando a lesão é mais complexa ou as células do tecido não podem realizar a reparação tecidual. Com base nas afirmações apresentadas, a alternativa correta é a letra "c) Apenas I, III, IV e V estão corretas".


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