
According to NR 21, which of the following statements is NOT true about open-air work? a) It is mandatory to have shelters capable of protecting ...

According to NR 21, which of the following statements is NOT true about open-air work?

a) It is mandatory to have shelters capable of protecting workers from inclement weather.
b) Special measures must be taken to protect workers from excessive sun exposure, heat, cold, humidity, and inconvenient winds.
c) Workers who reside at the work site must be offered accommodations with adequate sanitary conditions.
d) Collective family housing is allowed.
e) The places of work must be kept in sanitary conditions compatible with the type of activity.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

NR-21 (1)
2 pág.

Gestão da Segurança do Trabalho

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De acordo com a NR 21, a alternativa que NÃO é verdadeira sobre o trabalho ao ar livre é a letra D) "A habitação coletiva familiar é permitida". A NR 21 estabelece que a habitação coletiva familiar não é permitida em locais de trabalho, pois pode prejudicar a privacidade e o bem-estar dos trabalhadores.


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