
What was the evolution of the teaching methods for reading and writing in Brazil? a) In the colonial period, the teaching of reading and writing wa...

What was the evolution of the teaching methods for reading and writing in Brazil?
a) In the colonial period, the teaching of reading and writing was subordinated to linguistic issues. In the 1890s, the Normal School of São Paulo began a reform of teaching, which included the creation of the Kindergarten. The term literacy began to be used in the 1910s, and teachers trained in the Normal School of São Paulo disseminated the analytical method for teaching reading. In the 1920s, there was a discussion about the methods used for teaching reading and writing, and the use of mixed or eclectic methods began to be adopted. In the 1980s, the tradition of teaching literacy according to the child's maturity was questioned.
b) In the colonial period, the teaching of reading and writing was subordinated to linguistic issues. In the 1890s, the Normal School of São Paulo began a reform of teaching, which included the creation of the Kindergarten. The term literacy began to be used in the 1910s, and teachers trained in the Normal School of São Paulo disseminated the analytical method for teaching reading. In the 1920s, there was a discussion about the methods used for teaching reading and writing, and the use of mixed or eclectic methods began to be adopted. In the 1980s, the tradition of teaching literacy according to the child's maturity was consolidated.
c) In the colonial period, the teaching of reading and writing was subordinated to didactic issues. In the 1890s, the Normal School of São Paulo began a reform of teaching, which included the creation of the Kindergarten. The term literacy began to be used in the 1910s, and teachers trained in the Normal School of São Paulo disseminated the analytical method for teaching reading. In the 1920s, there was a discussion about the methods used for teaching reading and writing, and the use of mixed or eclectic methods began to be adopted. In the 1980s, the tradition of teaching literacy according to the child's maturity was questioned.

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AD1_ALFABETIZAÇÃO 1_2022_1 - word
4 pág.

Pedagogia Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

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A alternativa correta é a letra A) No período colonial, o ensino de leitura e escrita era subordinado a questões linguísticas. Na década de 1890, a Escola Normal de São Paulo iniciou uma reforma do ensino, que incluiu a criação do Jardim de Infância. O termo alfabetização começou a ser utilizado na década de 1910, e os professores formados na Escola Normal de São Paulo disseminaram o método analítico para o ensino da leitura. Na década de 1920, houve uma discussão sobre os métodos utilizados para o ensino de leitura e escrita, e começou a ser adotado o uso de métodos mistos ou ecléticos. Na década de 1980, a tradição de ensinar a alfabetização de acordo com a maturidade da criança foi questionada.


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