
"A Iluminada" is a company that produces lamps. It serves individual customers, selling lamps for both popular classes and luxury products. Regardi...

"A Iluminada" is a company that produces lamps. It serves individual customers, selling lamps for both popular classes and luxury products. Regarding the company's offerings to the market, analyze the statements below. By adopting market segmentation, the company can set different prices according to the segments considered. BECAUSE The characteristics of customers in each market segment affect the value they perceive for the company's products. Analyzing the statements above, it is concluded that:

The first statement is true, and the second is true.
The first statement is false, and the second is true.
Both statements are true, and the second does not justify the first.
Both statements are false.
Both statements are true, and the second justifies the first.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5

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A alternativa correta é a letra C) 3 - Ambas as afirmações são verdadeiras, mas a segunda não justifica a primeira. A empresa "A Iluminada" utiliza a segmentação de mercado para definir preços diferentes para cada segmento, e as características dos clientes em cada segmento afetam o valor que eles percebem nos produtos da empresa. No entanto, a segunda afirmação não justifica a primeira, pois a segmentação de mercado é uma prática comum para empresas que desejam atender a diferentes necessidades e preferências de seus clientes.


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