
Read carefully and observe the statements below classifying as V true and F false: ( ) Ending racism is good only for blacks. ( ) With the end of ...

Read carefully and observe the statements below classifying as V true and F false:

( ) Ending racism is good only for blacks.
( ) With the end of racism, the object of racism is freed from oppression, however, the racist does not emancipate himself from the racist identity.
( ) Ending sexism and machismo is positive for women, who obviously emancipate themselves from oppression, and also for men, because then the male gender can experience other possibilities of what it means to be a man.
( ) Women in the contemporary labor market still receive 30% less than men, even with equal or superior professional qualifications and training to that of the male gender.
A) F, F, V, V.
B) V, V, F, F.
C) F, V, V, F.
D) V, F, V, F.
E) V, V, V, F.

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A alternativa correta é a letra C) F, V, V, F. Justificativa: - (F) Ending racism is good only for blacks. (O fim do racismo é bom apenas para os negros) - Falso - (V) With the end of racism, the object of racism is freed from oppression, however, the racist does not emancipate himself from the racist identity. (Com o fim do racismo, o objeto do racismo é libertado da opressão, no entanto, o racista não se emancipa da identidade racista) - Verdadeiro - (V) Ending sexism and machismo is positive for women, who obviously emancipate themselves from oppression, and also for men, because then the male gender can experience other possibilities of what it means to be a man. (O fim do sexismo e do machismo é positivo para as mulheres, que obviamente se emancipam da opressão, e também para os homens, porque então o gênero masculino pode experimentar outras possibilidades do que significa ser um homem) - Verdadeiro - (F) Women in the contemporary labor market still receive 30% less than men, even with equal or superior professional qualifications and training to that of the male gender. (As mulheres no mercado de trabalho contemporâneo ainda recebem 30% menos do que os homens, mesmo com qualificações profissionais e treinamentos iguais ou superiores aos do gênero masculino) - Falso


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