
What is the role of the pharmacist in the home visit? a) The pharmacist is responsible for the technical part of the home visit, collecting and o...

What is the role of the pharmacist in the home visit?

a) The pharmacist is responsible for the technical part of the home visit, collecting and organizing patient data, evaluating and identifying problems related to pharmacotherapy, and educating the patient.
b) The pharmacist is responsible for the social part of the home visit, prioritizing vulnerable groups and patients with difficulty getting to health units.
c) The pharmacist is responsible for the medical part of the home visit, applying measures to control diseases and providing guidance for self-care of chronic, transmissible, or parasitic diseases.

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Documento 6
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Saude Comunitaria Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná

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A alternativa correta é a letra A) O farmacêutico é responsável pela parte técnica da visita domiciliar, coletando e organizando dados do paciente, avaliando e identificando problemas relacionados à farmacoterapia e educando o paciente.


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