
Analize the following statements about the family of people with disabilities: 1. The work of the psychologist when addressing the issues of the pe...

Analize the following statements about the family of people with disabilities: 1. The work of the psychologist when addressing the issues of the person with disabilities must go through the family. The family is the first social group to which the human being belongs, united by bonds of affection and in some cases genetics. When receiving a member with a disability, the family can experience multiple processes. 2. The family can experience mourning for a child who was not idealized as a person with a disability. 3. Work with the family must be interdisciplinary and in open dialogue with all members. 4. Feelings such as guilt, fear, and shame may be present in the family group that does not have sufficient information. 5. It is important that the professional who works with the family understands the disability as a normal condition with potentialities, not as a fatality. Choose the alternative that presents the correct statement(s).

I. Statements I, III, and IV are correct.
II. Statements II, III, and IV are correct.
III. Statements III and IV are correct.
IV. Statements I and III are correct.
V. Statements III and IV are correct.
a) I and III
b) II and IV
c) III and V
d) I, III, and IV
e) II, III, and V

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Psicologia Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A alternativa correta é a letra D) I, III e IV. As afirmações I, III e IV estão corretas. A afirmação II está incorreta, pois a família não deve sentir luto por uma criança com deficiência, mas sim aceitá-la e apoiá-la. A afirmação V também está incorreta, pois a afirmação V não existe na lista de afirmações.


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