
What is the essence of playing? The essence of playing is not a make-believe, but a doing, it is a transformation of the most moving experience in...

What is the essence of playing?

The essence of playing is not a make-believe, but a doing, it is a transformation of the most moving experience into a habit.
The first toy used by the child is their own body, which begins to be explored in the first months of life, then they start to use objects from the environment that produce stimuli.
From then on, the toy will always be in the life of the child, the adolescent, and even the adult.
For Benjamin, there is no doubt that playing always means liberation.
In the logic of playing, the primacy of the child is to transform and give new meaning freely to each game and each object.
Children used to play with toys made by craftsmen and their own parents, from porcelain dolls for those who had a better financial condition to corn cob dolls, shoebox cars, and group games such as hide-and-seek, ring-around-the-rosy, dodgeball, pass the ring, and others.
From the second half of the 19th century, Benjamin points out the change that reveals in the form of toys as an effect of industrialization, which prohibited the carpenter from painting his own dolls and forced various manufacturers to divide the simplest jobs among themselves, marking the distance between children and their parents who used to produce them together.
Toys began to take the child's protagonism, being produced on a large scale and increasingly technological, colorful, and full of instructions, stealing the child's creative freedom in building their own toys.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

A padronização e instrumentalização do brincar
3 pág.

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A essência do brincar é a transformação da experiência mais emocionante em um hábito, não é um faz-de-conta, mas um fazer. O brinquedo sempre fará parte da vida da criança, do adolescente e até mesmo do adulto. Para Benjamin, brincar sempre significa libertação. Na lógica do brincar, a primazia da criança é transformar e dar novo significado livremente a cada jogo e a cada objeto. No entanto, a partir da segunda metade do século XIX, houve uma mudança na forma dos brinquedos como efeito da industrialização, que proibiu o carpinteiro de pintar suas próprias bonecas e forçou vários fabricantes a dividir os trabalhos mais simples entre si, marcando a distância entre as crianças e seus pais que costumavam produzi-los juntos. Os brinquedos começaram a tomar o protagonismo da criança, sendo produzidos em larga escala e cada vez mais tecnológicos, coloridos e cheios de instruções, roubando a liberdade criativa da criança na construção de seus próprios brinquedos.


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