
If the objective is to form citizens capable of understanding the different texts they face, it is necessary to organize educational work so that t...

If the objective is to form citizens capable of understanding the different texts they face, it is necessary to organize educational work so that they experience and learn this in school. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

The use of books, magazines, newspapers, and other objects that usually carry texts is referred to as 'portador'.
The current knowledge about the reading process indicates that it should not be taught through practices focused on decoding.
The practice of reading in school should be restricted to reading activities in the classroom and in the textbook.
Forming readers requires favorable conditions for reading practice, which are limited to the material resources available.
a) Only I and IV are correct.
b) Only II and III are correct.
c) Only I and II are correct.
d) Only II and IV are correct.

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PCN Língua Portuguesa Ensino Fund.
87 pág.

Os PCN'S nos orientam como devemos proceder ao escolher um texto para nossos alunos.

Leitura e Produção de Textos Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná

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De acordo com o texto, a alternativa correta é a letra c) Apenas I e II estão corretas. O texto afirma que para formar cidadãos capazes de entender diferentes textos, é necessário organizar o trabalho educacional para que eles experimentem e aprendam isso na escola. Além disso, o texto também afirma que o conhecimento atual sobre o processo de leitura indica que não deve ser ensinado por meio de práticas focadas na decodificação.


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