
What is the content of chapter 4 of the book? a. Families of orthogonal curves, higher order derivatives, linear approximation, higher order appr...

What is the content of chapter 4 of the book?

a. Families of orthogonal curves, higher order derivatives, linear approximation, higher order approximation, velocity and acceleration, derivative as rate of change, exercises.
b. Variation of functions, monotonous functions, determination of maximum and minimum, concavity and inflection points of functions, sketching the graph of functions, optimization problems, L'Hôpital's theorem, other types of indeterminations, differential of a function, exercises.
c. Introduction, table, integration methods, substitution method, other types of substitutions, integrals of products and powers of trigonometric functions, integration by parts method, trigonometric substitution method, method for integration of rational functions, change: average angle tangent, applications of indefinite integral, exercises.

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452 pág.

Didática Universidade Estadual do CearáUniversidade Estadual do Ceará

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O conteúdo do capítulo 4 do livro é o seguinte: a. Famílias de curvas ortogonais, derivadas de ordem superior, aproximação linear, aproximação de ordem superior, velocidade e aceleração, derivada como taxa de variação, exercícios.


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