
Observation of motor development in children. The following text describes different stages of motor development in children. Which of the followin...

Observation of motor development in children. The following text describes different stages of motor development in children. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The child can sit alone for a brief period but may still need supervision. She can transfer weight in a sitting position without support.
b) The child can sit alone without arm support and can reach with trunk rotation.
c) The child can stand alone momentarily and take a few steps independently.
d) All of the above statements are true.

a) The child can sit alone for a brief period but may still need supervision. She can transfer weight in a sitting position without support.
b) The child can sit alone without arm support and can reach with trunk rotation.
c) The child can stand alone momentarily and take a few steps independently.
d) All of the above statements are true.

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Escala AIMS - manual
28 pág.

Pediatria I Faculdade NordesteFaculdade Nordeste

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A alternativa correta é a letra D) Todas as afirmações acima são verdadeiras. O texto descreve diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento motor em crianças e todas as afirmações são verdadeiras em relação a esses estágios. A criança pode sentar sozinha por um curto período de tempo, pode sentar sem apoio nos braços e alcançar com rotação do tronco, e pode ficar em pé sozinha momentaneamente e dar alguns passos independentemente.


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