
Is there a consensus on the use of SMBG for patients with DM2 treated only with oral antidiabetic drugs? There is no consensus on the use of SMBG ...

Is there a consensus on the use of SMBG for patients with DM2 treated only with oral antidiabetic drugs?

There is no consensus on the use of SMBG for patients with DM2 treated only with oral antidiabetic drugs.
The decision to use SMBG in these patients is at the discretion of the attending physician.
a) Yes, there is a consensus.
b) No, there is no consensus.
c) It depends on the patient's age.
d) It depends on the patient's income.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

eBook - Diabetes
14 pág.

Diabetes NutmedNutmed

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A resposta correta é a alternativa B) Não, não há consenso. A decisão de usar SMBG em pacientes com DM2 tratados apenas com medicamentos antidiabéticos orais é deixada a critério do médico assistente.


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