
What were the main characteristics of the philosophy of the medieval period? a. The interest was mainly in faith and not in theoretical reason, in ...

What were the main characteristics of the philosophy of the medieval period?
a. The interest was mainly in faith and not in theoretical reason, in belief and not in intellectual knowledge, in revelation and not in reflection. The Christians dedicated themselves to Philosophy with the objective of converting the Greek intellectuals and the Roman emperors.
b. The philosophy of the medieval period was marked by the abandonment of Platonic philosophy and the deep penetration of Aristotelianism in the scholastic thought.
c. The philosophy of the medieval period was characterized by the ideal of humanism, which emphasized a worldview centered on human beings and with human measures.

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112 pág.

Pedagogia Uningá Centro UniversitárioUningá Centro Universitário


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A principal característica da filosofia do período medieval foi o abandono da filosofia platônica e a profunda penetração do aristotelismo no pensamento escolástico, o que tornou a razão teórica e a reflexão filosófica mais importantes do que a fé. A filosofia medieval também foi marcada pela tentativa de reconciliar a razão com a fé, e pela busca de uma síntese entre a filosofia clássica e a teologia cristã. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra B.



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