
Reflecting on the conception of language as interaction, choose the correct statement. A. In this perspective, language is considered as a way for...

Reflecting on the conception of language as interaction, choose the correct statement.

A. In this perspective, language is considered as a way for individuals to externalize information.
B. For this conception, there is only a mental organization of a message that is transmitted to the social environment.
C. Language, for this view, shows itself as a representation of reality, as indicated by its structural roots.
D. In teaching the mother tongue, it is desired not only that the student knows how to reflect and build a critical view of the world from the language.
E. It is necessary to construct meanings in intersubjective negotiations, that is, to propose practices that allow exchanges between subjects and texts.
Correct answer: C. The language as interaction view is related to the studies of Bakhtin and Voloshinov, who consider language as a way for individuals to establish social relationships. For this conception, there is not only a mental organization of a message that is transmitted to the social environment. There is more than that: the social context interferes in the production of this message. In fact, language has a founding character of reality(ies), and not just a representation of it, as suggested in the other conceptions. In teaching the mother tongue, there is an expansion in educational objectives, as it is desired not only that the student knows the grammar of their language, but also that they know how to reflect and build a critical view of the world from the language. Reflection on language is done through comprehension, analysis, interpretation, and production of verbal texts.
A. In this perspective, language is considered as a way for individuals to externalize information. - Incorrect
B. For this conception, there is only a mental organization of a message that is transmitted to the social environment. - Incorrect
D. In teaching the mother tongue, it is desired not only that the student knows how to reflect and build a critical view of the world from the language. - Incorrect
E. It is necessary to construct meanings in intersubjective negotiations, that is, to propose practices that allow exchanges between subjects and texts. - Incorrect

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Concepções de linguage1
5 pág.

Pedagogia Letramento Universidade Federal de UberlândiaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia


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A alternativa correta é a letra C. A concepção de linguagem como interação está relacionada aos estudos de Bakhtin e Voloshinov, que consideram a linguagem como uma forma de os indivíduos estabelecerem relações sociais. Para essa concepção, não há apenas uma organização mental de uma mensagem que é transmitida ao ambiente social. Há mais do que isso: o contexto social interfere na produção dessa mensagem. Na verdade, a linguagem tem um caráter fundador de realidade(s), e não apenas uma representação dela, como sugerido nas outras concepções. No ensino da língua materna, há uma expansão nos objetivos educacionais, pois deseja-se não apenas que o aluno conheça a gramática de sua língua, mas também que saiba refletir e construir uma visão crítica do mundo a partir da linguagem. A reflexão sobre a linguagem é feita por meio da compreensão, análise, interpretação e produção de textos verbais.



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