
What were the consequences of the Spanish flu epidemic in Brazil? The epidemic caused a crisis in social and political relations, leading to a los...

What were the consequences of the Spanish flu epidemic in Brazil?

The epidemic caused a crisis in social and political relations, leading to a loss of power and social status for some individuals.
The epidemic led to a reevaluation of the republican institutional model and the need for effective regulation of public health.
The epidemic caused a debate about the limitations of the health services and the disorganization of daily life in Rio de Janeiro.
The epidemic led to the creation of a technical, scientific, and autonomous institution dedicated exclusively to public health issues.

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42 pág.

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A alternativa correta é: "The epidemic caused a crisis in social and political relations, leading to a loss of power and social status for some individuals." (A epidemia causou uma crise nas relações sociais e políticas, levando à perda de poder e status social para alguns indivíduos.)


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