
What is the main argument presented in the text regarding the role of scientists and health professionals during the Spanish flu epidemic? a) Sci...

What is the main argument presented in the text regarding the role of scientists and health professionals during the Spanish flu epidemic?

a) Scientists and health professionals were not able to find the cause of the epidemic and therefore their role was questioned.
b) The Spanish flu epidemic reinforced the importance of scientists and health professionals in society, as they were seen as the only ones capable of managing the negative effects of the disease.
c) The Spanish flu epidemic had no impact on the role of scientists and health professionals in society.

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42 pág.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa B: "A epidemia de gripe espanhola reforçou a importância dos cientistas e profissionais de saúde na sociedade, pois foram vistos como os únicos capazes de gerenciar os efeitos negativos da doença". O texto apresenta a ideia de que a epidemia de gripe espanhola foi um evento que destacou a importância dos cientistas e profissionais de saúde na sociedade, uma vez que eles foram os responsáveis por lidar com os efeitos negativos da doença e encontrar soluções para combatê-la.


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