
What are the objectives of the Physical Education class for the 2nd grade students at EMEF Alzira Cardoso from May 10th to June 2nd, 2021? To expe...

What are the objectives of the Physical Education class for the 2nd grade students at EMEF Alzira Cardoso from May 10th to June 2nd, 2021?

To experiment, flow and recreate games with music, dances, chairs, and stop.
To learn the names of some toys in English and to understand the use of the expression 'How many...?'

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2 BIMESTRE- 3 BLOCO DE 10-05-2021 A 02-06-2021 2 ANO A
35 pág.

Pedagogia EE Joao Hemetrio De MenezesEE Joao Hemetrio De Menezes

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Os objetivos da aula de Educação Física para os alunos do 2º ano da EMEF Alzira Cardoso, de 10 de maio a 2 de junho de 2021, são: experimentar, fluir e recrear jogos com música, danças, cadeiras e paradas; aprender os nomes de alguns brinquedos em inglês e entender o uso da expressão "How many...?".


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