
According to the text it is true to say that: A) Mandela’s remains will be buried in Pretoria on December 15th. B) Barack Obama, former president ...

According to the text it is true to say that:

A) Mandela’s remains will be buried in Pretoria on December 15th.
B) Barack Obama, former president of the U.S. is expected for the funeral.
C) After becoming the first South African black president Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize.
D) Sunday will be a day of prayer in South Africa due to their first black president’s death.
E) Mandela was in prison for 27 years until 1993.

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20 pág.

Contabilidade / Ciências Contábeis Centro Universitário CariocaCentro Universitário Carioca


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A resposta correta é a alternativa D) Sunday will be a day of prayer in South Africa due to their first black president’s death. (Domingo será um dia de oração na África do Sul devido à morte de seu primeiro presidente negro.)



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