
ejam a with rightwards arrow on top, b with rightwards arrow on top e c with rightwards arrow on top três vetores quaisquer relacionados entre si, ...

ejam a with rightwards arrow on top, b with rightwards arrow on top e c with rightwards arrow on top três vetores quaisquer relacionados entre si, de forma que c with rightwards arrow on top equals space a with rightwards arrow on top space cross times space b with rightwards arrow on top, isto é, c with rightwards arrow on top é o produto vetorial entre a with rightwards arrow on tope b with rightwards arrow on top.


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O produto vetorial entre dois vetores a with rightwards arrow on top e b with rightwards arrow on top é dado por: a with rightwards arrow on top cross times b with rightwards arrow on top = |a with rightwards arrow on top| |b with rightwards arrow on top| sin θ n with rightwards arrow on top Onde |a with rightwards arrow on top| e |b with rightwards arrow on top| são os módulos dos vetores a with rightwards arrow on top e b with rightwards arrow on top, θ é o ângulo entre eles e n with rightwards arrow on top é um vetor unitário perpendicular ao plano formado por a with rightwards arrow on top e b with rightwards arrow on top, seguindo a regra da mão direita. No caso apresentado, c with rightwards arrow on top é o produto vetorial entre a with rightwards arrow on top e b with rightwards arrow on top, portanto: c with rightwards arrow on top = a with rightwards arrow on top cross times b with rightwards arrow on top Espero ter ajudado!



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