
Modeled ______ the elegant Palais Garnier in Paris, São Paulo's Theatro Municipal is a work of art. This grand theater was built _____ 1903 and 191...

Modeled ______ the elegant Palais Garnier in Paris, São Paulo's Theatro Municipal is a work of art. This grand theater was built _____ 1903 and 1911, and the design of its detailed facade incorporates Renaissance, Baroque, neoclassical and art nouveau styles. Inside, visitors are greeted with gilded balconies and rich red seats and curtains. The theater is a cultural icon, thought to have sparked the city's vivid interest in the arts (and specifically modern art) after it hosted the Week of Modern Art ______ 1922. Today, the Theatro Municipal hosts a variety of performances, including operas, plays, symphony orchestras and ballets. If you're unable to make a performance, free guided tours of the venue (in English) are also available. Recent visitors raved _____ the building's beautiful architecture, with many recommending you try to get tickets to a show or go on the guided tour to see the theater's interior. Some do warn that the area surrounding the venue is a bit dicey, with homeless people sleeping on the street. -- Complete the blank spaces with the correct prepositions


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