
n the Portuguese language, a question is asked only with the inclusion of the question mark (?) in writing and a change in tone in speech. However,...

n the Portuguese language, a question is asked only with the inclusion of the question mark (?) in writing and a change in tone in speech. However, in English, in addition to the question mark (?), there must also be an auxiliary verb (DO or DOES) at the sentence. To perform a negation it is also necessary to use the auxiliary verb together with NOT (DON’T and DOESN’T). Therefore, complete the sentences with the correct auxiliary verb. Use: DO, DOES, DON’T and DOESN’T. (Na língua portuguesa, uma pergunta é feita apenas com a inclusão do ponto de interrogação (?) na escrita e mudança no tom na fala. Contudo, em inglês, além do ponto de interrogação (?), também é necessário haver um verbo auxiliar (DO ou DOES) na oração. Para realizar uma negação também é necessário utilizar o verbo auxiliar junto com o NOT (DON’T e o DOESN’T). Assim sendo, complete as frases com o verbo auxiliar correto. Use: DO, DOES, DON’T e DOESN’T). 1) I Resposta (doesn’t/don’t) go to school every day. 2) She Resposta (doesn’t/don’t) get up at 7am. 3) They Resposta (doesn’t/don’t) meet to study English in the afternoon. 4) (Does/Do) Resposta you like your job? 5) My son Resposta (doesn’t/don’t) like to read. 6) (Does/Do) Resposta he enjoy the school?


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