
[Alpha Questers] Scorecard - Template

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How to fill a
scorecard on expand
| AQ Partners:
1. João Dias
2. Izabela Vieira
3. Fabiana Cuniyochi
4. Renata Santos
5. Priscila Rios
6. Victória Melo
Technical Interview
Overview At first, you will invite the candidate to briefly talk their experiences and the tech stack
knowledge, in order to break the initial "ice". You can also use this section to evaluate the English skills if
the candidate's feel comfortable with it.
– The candidate has experience working as a backend both in on-premise and cloud environments. The
the stack are: Java 8/11, Microservices, Spring Boot, Github, Maven, Gradle, Jira, REST API, Lombok,
UnitTests, JPA/Hibernate, Sonarqube, Swagger, Design Patterns, Mockito, JUnit, Oracle, SQLServer,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Jenkins, MongoDB, Kafka, Rabbit MQ, AWS, S3, ECS, CloudWatch, Spring Cloud,
GCP, ElasticSearch…
English level There are 5 levels to be considered for this evaluation.
1. Outstanding: The candidate has a high level of vocabulary and is able to communicate naturally, close
to a native speaker.
2. Excepcional: The candidate is able to communicate without di�culties.
3. Satisfactory: The candidate is able to communicate with some di�culties.
4. Some deficiencies evident: The candidate is unable to communicate, has some trouble
understanding and speaking.
5. Unsatisfactory: No able to speak English at all.
Code Challenge/Technical Evaluation In this section, you'll describe every technical point you
evaluated during the interview and how it went.
- Design skills: +++
His design was good, and he could explain to me every piece that he was drawing. He knows well many
things that can be used to solve the problems that we usually have.
- Microservice: +++
Great splitting among the microservices. Each of them taking care only of the part that it should take
and not crossing boundaries.
- Rest communications: +
This was the only topic where he made some mistakes. These were the mistakes:
- His URLs were not good. He designed something link {host}/products/add in his POST method to add
a product. Since this is already a POST, he could have used a better name without the add.
- Used 200 status code for his POST call inserting data instead of 201.
- Returned 500 error intentionally.
- Used 404 instead of 400 in a malformed request syntax error
Technical Interview
Overall And finally, you're going to tell us about the final decision regarding the seniority (Junior, Mid,
Mid/Senior, Senior) or if he/she was not approved (None). It's very important to clarify why you're
evaluating the candidate according to seniority or why you wouldn't recommend the next steps.
– Overall, the candidate proved to be a Senior on the technical side and I definitely recommend him to
the next phase with the client. His interview was pretty good. He basically just made some mistakes in
one topic in the System Design phase, in which I recommend studying more.
And remember: "seniority is less important than the level of knowledge in each technology".
1. Backend
Overview .
Stacks: Java ,/11, Microservices, Springboot, Github, Maven, Gradle, Jira, REST API, Lombok, UnitTests,
JPA/Hibernate, Swagger, Scrum, Design Patterns, Mockito, JUnit, Mysql, Postgresql, Jenkins,
SpringData, JPA, Hibernate, Docker, Kubernets, Jenkins, Kafka, Rabbit MQ, AWS, S3, Feign Client,
Groovy, Spock, Wiremock, Kebana, Redis, ElasticSearch, Google Cloud.
English level.
He speaks English very well.
Technical Interview
Code Challenge/Technical Evaluation.
Java Concepts
1. String pool → ok
equals → ok
== → ok
line 6 → no
line 7 → ok
imutability → ok
StringBu�er x StringBuilder → ok
3. Auto-boxing → no.
Unboxing → ok
checked and unchecked → ok.
NPE → ok.
6. List, contains and equals → ok
7. Set, size, equals and hashCode → ok
Map → ok
8. Thread safety and Spring framework → ok
stereotypes → ok
bean scopes → ok
Synchronized → ok
9. Designing API - ok
10. SOLID concepts, interface segregation → no
11. SOLID concepts, Open Close & Single Responsibility →ok
12 . Lambda - ok
The candidate was very good during the interview, he answered confidently and accurately most of the
Java core concept questions. He showed a great level of knowledge and according to that we decided to
give him SENIOR level.
Technical Interview
2. Frontend
Overview .
XYZ is an engineer for Colombia, who has been working with JS for 6 years already. He's currently at
Growth Acceleration Partners, working in a project composed of 2 repos, one with React + Redux and
other with React + GraphQL. The backend is built in Django and Python and the app is deployed in the
cloud through GCP. Although always worked on FE, XYZ had past experiences with AWS, Azure and GCP,
Node.js, Lambda functions and Angular.
English level.
English: he has excellent English and communication skills and it was good following him during the
Code Challenge/Technical Evaluation.
#HTML: Semantics, answered well, mentioned accessibility concerns, search engines, screen readers,
readability for developers, semantic meanings and tags like header, nav, etc.
#CSS: Knows Specificity, mentioned the term and also gave the correct answer looking at a snippet
about it. Same for the box model. Familiar with pseudo elements, box-sizing and * selector.
#JavaScript: Knows Hoisting, answered correctly a snippet about it and also explained the concept for
us. Knows di�erences between arrow/regular functions. Also knows anonymous functions and
answered well about using a try/catch to handle an await failure. Mentioned the DRY principle when
dealing with anonymous functions.
Challenge: The candidate did answer the questions pretty well, we proposed the same challenge we've
been doing, make a request for Giphy API, analyze the response and insert the gifs on the DOM (first).
He tried to do it with a JSX way, then noticed it wasn't possible. He had some issues with async/await
but then used the Promise.then() properly. He seemed to search well but then got di�culties, like
searching for weird things like "for each vanilla js". He would have followed the challenge with
XMLHttpRequest if we haven't advised on going back to the research again. He copied and pasted some
code and ran into issues more than once because of that. He paid attention in the ".data" response but
took a lot of time to figure out the usage of the images object instead of the prop url (that doesn't have
the gif/image but an URL to giphy). He was very communicative and listened well to the hints when
Technical Interview
needed. He used the innerHTML to insert the images joining the array with "join". After he
accomplished that, we asked to revert the list without touching the code he had already done. He was
able to use the querySelectorAll to get all the DOM nodes but didn't pay too much attention to the types
like NodeList or HTMLImageELement and we had to give hints about inserting those to the DOM. He
was able to use "reversed" after looking at it when researching.
In summary: he created an expectation of a senior but then performed as a mid engineer, taking more
time than it should. He was able to accomplish the challenge with help. He will have issues if the
seniority expectation is too high but he has room for improvement and seems to be on the right path,
since he answered all the technical questions well. He can work for eBay in an equivalent position.

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