
Resumo Completo de Recursos Humanos (87)

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Professional Skills
Investing in the development of employees' professional skills is essential to ensure that the 
organization has the necessary qualified and capable workforce
Furthermore, professional skills also play an important role in the selection, evaluation 
and promotion of employees within the organization. By identifying and valuing skills relevant 
to job performance, organizations can make more informed decisions about recruitment, 
career development and leadership succession, promoting a more qualified, motivated 
workforce aligned with the company's strategic objectives.
Professional skills management involves identifying the essential skills needed for 
each role in the organization, assessing the level of proficiency of employees in relation to these 
skills, and developing individual development plans to fill skills gaps and promote 
professional growth.
Professional competencies are the skills, knowledge and personal attributes that employees 
need to possess to effectively perform their duties and contribute to the success of the 
organization. This may include specific technical skills related to the job role or sector, 
interpersonal skills such as effective communication and teamwork, problem-solving and 
decision-making capabilities, among others.
achieve your business objectives. This includes offering training, development 
programs and ongoing learning opportunities to help employees expand their skills and 
knowledge, as well as recognizing and rewarding the development and successful 
application of these skills on the job.
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