
Av Fundamentos Culturais da Literatura em Língua Inglesa 2017

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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	Avaliação Data: 08/06/2017 11:28:43 (F)      Critério: AV
	Turma: 9001/AA
	Nota da Prova: 7,0 de 8,0      Nota de Partic.: 2
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 156244)
	Pontos: 0,0  / 1,0
	Comment on the importance of Beowulf for literature.
Resposta: The poem of Beowulf was important because in this poem the union of pagam elements and Christianity result the development of custons and culture at the time. In this poem also have the importance of the hero to the people, and that fact led to the union of a nation throught inspiration.
Gabarito: The student ought to mention a few facts which are important in the poem, like: it was the longest epic poem written in the Anglo-Saxon Age, that it may have been written by a monk due to the religious references found in the poem, that it dealt with the fight between good and evil, that it dates from a time when people didn't know how to read and write, etc
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 156305)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	Which literary movement presents the following characteristics (among others) : an intense interest in the emotions, imagination and mystery (supernatural), a great enthusiasm in natural beauty and the ordinary life? What was it influenced by?
Resposta: Romanticism. It was influenced by the Romantic Movement that come from Western Europe.
Gabarito: The Romanticism which was influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 135557)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	When did Christianity become firmly established across Britain?
	In the last hundred years of Roman government.
	About a century ago.
	When the Greeks were ruling the country.
	When Jesus Christ was born.
	In 1200 AD, when the Middle Ages were over.
		 Gabarito Comentado.
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 243491)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	The relationship between the king and his main nobles involved
	large states given in return to pay the knights´rent
	large states given in return to serve the king in war
	large states given in return for a promise to become "freeman"
	large states given in return of less noble activities
	large states given in return to live better than slaves
		 Gabarito Comentado.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 135578)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	Which alternative explains the term DOOMSDAY ?
	It is a piece of art found in the Sutton Hoo ship burial.
	It is a book which tells the story of the Romans.
	It is a law which was created by William the Conqueror by means of which ordinary people needed to pay a fine if they killed a Norman.
	It is a gospel book of the Christian culture.
	It is the only source that reflects British society at the time of the Normans, compiled in 1086-87 so that Wlilliam the Conqueror might know better the resources of his new kingdom.
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 135607)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	Choose the alternative that reveals a true information about Shakespeare
	He wrote dramatic love stories based on his previous experience as a detective.
	He was a famous American writer, who lived in the Elizabethan Age.
	 'Hamlet' was his most famous revenge tragedy.
	His comedies did not really become famous.
	He did not allow women to act so the female roles were played by young boys.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 155239)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	What did the American and the French Revolution have in common?
	Both revolutions were based on religious reasons.
	The ones involved in the revolutions spoke the same language.
	Both of them fought against tyrannical oppresion?
	Both revolutions took place in America.
	Both of them were led by people who were fascinated by Hitler's ideals.
		 Gabarito Comentado.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 155701)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	What did the author of CivilDisobedience¿defend?
	That since men were born to obey, they did not have any other option.
	That imprisonment was the only option the State had to control the population.
	That the State should never rank above the individual conscience or the business of living.
	That disobedience should be severely punished.
	That it was the duty of a man to obey the State.
		 Gabarito Comentado.
	 9a Questão (Ref.: 155800)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	Which fact promoted cultural introspection in the 1960 and 1970s in the U.S.A.?
	World War II.
	Unfulfilled religious promises.
	The hippie movement.
	The artists¿ conformity with the Cold War.
	The Vietnam War.
	 10a Questão (Ref.: 568426)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	Some changes can be noticed in American society after September 11, 2001. Which one is not correct:
	Domestic issues
	American problems
	Rlaxation of the security procedures in the airports
	A total surveillance society

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